ABBA Tribute Band

ABBA Tribute Band Gecko Live Entertainment Live Pic 1
why hire ABBA Tribute Band
  • Iconic ABBA Hits
  • Legendary Costumes
  • High Energy Performance
  • Interactive Party Experience
Surrey's premier ABBA Tribute Band, renowned globally for West End performances, collaborations with stars, and entertaining at prestigious events From £2495
Mamma Mia
Super Trouper
The Winner Takes It All
Knowing Me Knowing You
Does Your Mother Know
Dancing Queen
Take A Chance
Voulez Vous
Thank You For The Music
Money Money Money
Gimme Gimme Gimme
Lay All Your Love
Ring Ring
I do, I do, I do
One Of Us
Name Of The Game
Angel Eyes
Summernight City
I Have A Dream
ABBA Tribute Band Gecko Live Entertainment Live Pic 9
Top ABBA Tribute in Surrey
ABBA Tribute Band Gecko Live Entertainment 4
ABBA Tribute Band Gecko Live Entertainment 1
ABBA Tribute Band Gecko Live Entertainment Live Pic 1

Surrey’s top-tier ABBA Trib­ute Band is a pow­er­house ensem­ble, known for their elec­tri­fy­ing per­for­mances and authen­tic ren­di­tions of the icon­ic Swedish pop group’s hits. With a stel­lar track record in the West End, includ­ing stand­out roles in pro­duc­tions like Mam­ma Mia, Cats, and Les Mis­érables, they’ve earned a rep­u­ta­tion for their flaw­less har­monies and cap­ti­vat­ing stage presence.

Whether they’re shar­ing the stage with music indus­try giants like Take That, Lady Gaga, and the Spice Girls or daz­zling crowds on major cruise lines, this tal­ent­ed quar­tet leaves an indeli­ble mark on audi­ences world­wide. ABBA Trib­ute Band has a unique abil­i­ty to trans­port lis­ten­ers back to the gold­en age of dis­co, mak­ing them the go-to choice for unfor­get­table musi­cal expe­ri­ences. Their ener­getic shows make them the best band for wed­dings, cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment bands, and band for events in Sur­rey, ensur­ing that the time­less music of ABBA lives on for gen­er­a­tions to come.

Top Songs
  • Mamma Mia
  • Super Trouper
  • Fernando
  • Chiquitita
  • 1 hour show or 75 minutes or 2 x 40 minutes
  • Sound System and Lighting included
  • Costumes and Iconic Look
  • All the most memorable hits
  • "An unforgettable experience! Their energy on stage was infectious, and their harmonies were pitch-perfect."
    — Emily - Event Planner
  • "Absolutely mesmerising! The band captured the essence of ABBA's music flawlessly!"
    — James - Wedding Surrey
  • "A sensational tribute to ABBA! Their performance transported me back to the '70s with stunning accuracy."
    — Sarah Jane - Berkshire Party
  • ""

ABBA Tribute Band

ABBA Tribute Band Gecko Live Entertainment 1
Surrey's premier ABBA Tribute Band, renowned globally for West End performances, collaborations with stars, and entertaining at prestigious events


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