VEO Events & Gecko Live

Cre­at­ing per­fect wed­dings and mem­o­rable events is what we strive for above all else. Choos­ing a sup­pli­er that you trust is key to the suc­cess of your day, and this part­ner­ship means that you have two of the best in the busi­ness at your disposal.

Katie Frank 757 of 846
Your day should be every bit as special as you deserve. Our partnership with VEO can add staging, up-lighters, Mirrorballs and stunning visual effects to make wedding truly unique to you.
Cold Sparks
Events and Parties
From full event production with lighting, staging, animated LED walls, and stunning branded backdrops Gecko and VEO can work together to make sure your event exceeds your expectations.

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