About Us

Find out a little more about how we work and what inspired us to create Gecko Live.
See our brilliant live entertainment
ANTHEM Corporate Entertainment Agency Gecko Live Entertainment

We are an enter­tain­ment agency spe­cial­is­ing in live enter­tain­ment, wed­ding bands, cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment, and per­form­ers. We’re based in Hamp­shire, but we have the capa­bil­i­ty to pro­vide enter­tain­ment all over the coun­try at almost all event venues. Our artists are locat­ed through­out the UK and we can rec­om­mend some fan­tas­tic live per­form­ers who are local to you.

We’re run by musi­cians who are pas­sion­ate about their work, under­stand how live enter­tain­ment works and have a keen eye for detail. Col­lec­tive­ly, we have decades of expe­ri­ence organ­is­ing and run­ning live events. This places us in a great posi­tion to under­stand exact­ly how to get the most from your acts. Regard­less of whether you are look­ing for a live wed­ding band, a clas­si­cal quar­tet, a con­tem­po­rary jazz trio or a close-up magi­cian, we’ll know how they’ll fit into your plans.

The Classic Roamers Wandering Minstrels for hire Gecko Live Entertainment

What makes Gecko Live different? 

Unlike oth­er agen­cies, we liaise direct­ly with you and the acts that are per­form­ing for you, to bring you the best pos­si­ble, stress-free live per­for­mances. It’s our goal to always deliv­er an incred­i­ble expe­ri­ence at the events we’re involved in. Whether you’re organ­is­ing a cor­po­rate event or tying the knot, we want your guests to remem­ber your name for a long time to come.

Got a question?
Get in touch with our team.
DJ George London Live DJ for hire Gecko Live Entertainment

Where have our bands and acts performed?

Being lucky does­n’t even come close to describ­ing where our acts have been able to per­form. Our pre­vi­ous venues include The Gherkin, Kew Gar­dens, Hamp­ton Court Palace, Hilton, Dorch­ester, Beryst­ede Hotel, Roy­al Ascot, Man­nings Heath, Bury Court Barn, Bijou Hotels, Bot­ley’s Man­sion, Cain Manor, Hamp­ton Court House, Orchard Leigh House, Gate Street Barn, Alti­tude Lon­don, Chiswick House, Inter­con­ti­nen­tal Lon­don just to name a few.

Meet the Gecko Live team

Matt S Headshot

Matt S

Founder and Direc­tor of Gecko live and a per­former in his own right. Matt is your first port of call for all things music and enter­tain­ment. With over 15 years in live events and music, Matt has a vast knowl­edge of what works best for wed­dings and events and how to get the most from your pre­ferred performers.

Julia Headshot


Julia is a fan­tas­tic sax­o­phon­ist and has been work­ing in events and at wed­dings for many years. She is cre­ative and bril­liant at com­pos­ing beau­ti­ful cel­e­bra­tions and jaw-drop­ping themes.

Julia is cur­rent­ly on mater­ni­ty leave fol­low­ing the arrival of her beau­ti­ful boy, woo-hoo!

Matt C Headshot

Matt C 

Yes, the sec­ond of the Matts! Matt C is our artist liai­son and busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er. He is an accom­plished musi­cian and also the per­cus­sion­ist for our exclu­sive roam­ing band, The Strolling Tones. He is our go-to guy for find­ing unique and exclu­sive acts and tai­lor­ing your enter­tain­ment to suit you.

Are you planning an event?
Whether you're planning a corporate event or your dream wedding, we have access to some of the best live entertainment in your local area. Head over to our services to take a look at what we can offer to make your event memorable.