The Ultimate Wedding Entertainment

Watch our incredible live performers
Ally Rich Previews 47


We under­stand that with so many options avail­able, choos­ing the right live enter­tain­ment for your wed­ding can be a lit­tle daunt­ing. After all, there are so many options to choose from. But don’t wor­ry, we’re here to help. 

At Gecko Live, you’ll find that no request is too big — or too small! We’ll work with you to under­stand your vision and rec­om­mend the best live music for your wed­ding. This means under­stand­ing you both as a cou­ple and what you love, as well as your venue style and guests. There are no hid­den costs; this is all part of the excel­lent ser­vice and care we give each of our couples.


We make rec­om­men­da­tions of acts based on what we think you’ll love. We can help you find live musi­cians for just your wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny or cre­ate an all-singing and all-danc­ing enter­tain­ment pack­age that cre­ates the entire sound­track for your wed­ding celebration.

This could be a live acoustic act for the wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny, a magi­cian to mix and min­gle dur­ing your drink’s recep­tion, and a live show band for the evening.

230609 AKA Performing at Kew Gardens Gecko Live Entertainment
AKA Pylewell Park Nicola Streader Photography 5


Unlike many oth­er agen­cies who leave you to organ­ise the fin­er details of your live wed­ding enter­tain­ment, you’ll talk direct­ly to us through­out the book­ing process and lead up to the day. Once you’ve decid­ed on your live enter­tain­ment, we’ll send you a book­ing agree­ment, which is our ver­sion of a con­tract via our online client por­tal. This will have all the infor­ma­tion you will need about the acts you have booked and your sched­ule. We’ll also intro­duce you to your own ded­i­cat­ed mem­ber of our in-house Gecko team.

We col­lab­o­rate with you right up to the day to ensure every­thing is in place and can include the music choic­es for your pro­ces­sion­al and reces­sion­al, your first dance, and even entrance to the wed­ding break­fast. We’ll also liaise direct­ly with your venue, and we’ll coor­di­nate your acts, so every­thing runs like clock­work. We even go as far as to make sure we know the best routes for our per­form­ers to take to load in and out of your venue, so it is quick, sim­ple, and discrete.

I'm looking for...


Gecko are lucky enough to be part­nered with some of the best wed­ding venues in the South of Eng­land. We work at his­toric Manor hous­es, rus­tic barns, lux­u­ry hotels and stun­ning gar­dens. We believe that music will help cre­ate the per­fect ambi­ence and atmos­phere for your wed­ding day and we love to talk about your venue and how we can match you with the best live per­form­ers. Com­pli­ment­ing your sur­round­ings with music or cre­at­ing a total­ly con­trast­ing vibe to wow your guests to cre­ate incred­i­ble memories.

Our knowl­edge of venues and spaces puts us in the unique posi­tion of being able to choose the live music and per­form­ers that reflect you and that will work bril­liant­ly in your wed­ding venue.

230805 Jamie and Lauren Valo Studio

Our recent weddings...

Nicky Olly Dance Floor Continued 29

Alpha Par­ty Band at Find­on Place for Nico­la and Oliv­er — Pho­to cour­tesy of Stu­dio West­lake.

240713 Jo and James Owlpen Manor Stu Jotham Photography JJ 582

Jo and James’ wed­ding at Owlpen Manor — Pho­to cour­tesy of Stu Jotham Pho­tog­ra­phy.

240907 Ben Amelie Suphie Duckworth Photography Gecko Live Entertainment 384

The Strolling Tones play­ing at The Bea­con for Amelie and Ben — Pho­to cour­tesy of Sophie Duck­worth.


Gecko Live’s artist ros­ter is selec­tion of some of the best live per­form­ers in the UK. Some of the acts are part of the Gecko Exclu­sive Artist Col­lec­tion which can only be booked through Gecko Live. They are a small col­lec­tion of pur­pose built bands and fusion artists, designed to fill your dance floor and wed­ding day with the best music. From your wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny to your cock­tail hour and evening par­ty, they are the best of the best.

A Typ­i­cal Wed­ding Timeline

Wed­dings are flu­id things, and no two are the same. The below wed­ding time line guide will give you an idea of how a wed­ding could work from start to fin­ish. Music can fit into all aspects of your wed­ding day from your guests arrival and wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny through to your din­ner and evening par­ty, we love to cre­ate the ulti­mate sound­track to your wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion that encom­pass­es all parts of your day.

Gecko Wedding Order of Events


  • Processional Walk in to your ceremony to a song you love
  • Singing The Register Pick songs that are familiar and will put a smile on your face
  • Recessional Choose a song you'll both treasure and remember whenever you hear it
  • Dinner Entrance Start the energy high and let's be upstanding!
  • First Dance Your moment together on the dancefloor
  • Final Son Of The Night Make it one to remember and give it some welly!
Let's chat
We know we'll be a great fit for you, so let's talk. Send us a message and we'll set up a time to talk through your wedding vision and help. you discover your ultimate wedding entertainment.

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  • "We used Gecko for our wedding at The Beacon in September and cannot recommend them enough - Matt was an absolute pleasure to deal with from start to finish, took it upon himself to contact the venue directly about logistics, shared his tips and knowledge and made us feel entirely confident that everything was in hand, meaning we were very relaxed!"
    — Amelie & Ben - Wedding at The Beacon
  • "...the perfect end to the most special of days..."
    — Matt & Harriet - Pylewell Park
  • "We had gecko entertainment at our wedding with AKA the band! WOW!! If you are looking for a wedding band or a band to get everyone up and going you have found the one!! I have worked in weddings and have never known a crowd to get so involved due to the amazing energy the band gave us!"
    — Pippa & Ed - Kent Wedding
  • "I couldn't recommend Gecko Entertainment enough! Matt is amazing, he is very responsive and actually cares about his clients. We had Ross as our wedding singer from start to finish he was brilliant. We are very happy and would 100% use Ross again."
    — Emma & Jonny - Silchester Farm Wedding
  • "Horizon played at our wedding at Pangdean Barn on the 6th July. They are fantastic musicians, total pros and the whole experience was amazing. They really seemed to enjoy themselves and so did the guests. Matt the manager was super responsive and helpful. Highly recommend these guys for your wedding."
    — Vicky & Simon - Pangdean Old Barn Wedding
  • "They were professional, responsive, and genuinely enthusiastic about making our special day perfect."
    — Peter & Andrew - Stanlake Park Wedding
  • "Matt was fantastic to deal with. Made life easy for us ahead of our wedding at Silchester farm. Amber acoustic duo and Tangfastic duo performed and were fantastic. Live music at its best. Highly recommend. Thanks so much"
    — Andy & Kimberley - Silchester Farm Wedding
  • "Gecko worked with us to ensure the best value for money, with the same performers (Stud) providing acoustic music for the ceremony, a roaming band for the drinks reception and our evening band. They were incredible and all of our guests were asking for their name and where to book them. They really understood the crowd and the dancefloor was full until the very last song - and even then people were crying out for more."
    — Amelie & Ben - Wedding at The Beacon
  • "Matt from Gecko was amazing from the get-go.. so helpful from the beginning with suggestions, right the way through to performing as part of the Guitar Duo for the day. Our guests loved their energy and we have a wonderful memory of everyone slowly realising they were playing Jurassic Park when we were signing our papers :)"
    — Renais & Dan - Silchester Farm Wedding
  • "They were amazing with the set up and getting everything sorted without us even noticing. Also the communication was brilliant any questions was answered in a phone call and the google form they send 6 weeks before is so useful and makes sure that you have the most perfect day!"
    — Pippa & Ed - Kent Wedding
  • "We had DJ Ross for our wedding at Owlpen Manor, and he was amazing! He had the dance floor going every minute of the evening with all of our favourite music (note: we didn’t make it easy with such a huge mix of genres from cheesy pop classics, dancehall, club, RnB, afrobeats, and of course a bit of ABBA - the list goes on!). He was fantastic and so many guests highlighted how amazing it was and they couldn’t stop dancing."
    — Ayeley & Harry - Owlpen Manor Wedding
  • "The music was absolutely beautiful, creating the perfect atmosphere for both our ceremony and reception. Our guests were equally impressed and commented on how the live music elevated the entire experience. Alan seamlessly blended a mix of our requested songs chosen from his big repertoire, appealing to everyone present."
    — Peter & Andrew - Stanlake Park Wedding