Aerial Hoop

Aerial Hoops Circus Performers for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Aerial Hoop
  • Dazzling Performers
  • Unforgettable Highlights
  • Global Experience
  • Stunning Agility
  • Awe-Inspiring Acts
The best in aerial acrobatics with our skilled hoops in the UK. Their dazzling performance guarantees an unforgettable highlight for any event. From £1200
Aerial Hoops London Circus Performers for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
Aerial Hoops Circus Performers in Cyprus Gecko Live Entertainment
Aerial Hoops Circus Performers Gecko Live Entertainment
Aerial Hoops London Circus Performers for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
Aerial Hoops Circus Performers and LED Performers Gecko Live Entertainment
Aerial Hoops Circus Performers for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
Aerial Hoops Circus Performers for hire Gecko Live Entertainment

Pre­pare to be mes­merised by our incred­i­ble aer­i­al acro­bats! These tal­ent­ed per­form­ers bring breath­tak­ing artistry to life with jaw-drop­ping feats of strength, flex­i­bil­i­ty, and grace per­formed in and around aer­i­al hoops. Whether you’re plan­ning a grand event or a more inti­mate cel­e­bra­tion, our aer­i­al artists deliv­er an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence that will have your guests talk­ing for years.

Look­ing for aer­i­al acro­bat­ics near me? Our aer­i­al per­form­ers are the per­fect solu­tion for any occa­sion, from upscale galas to live­ly par­ties. Their daz­zling rou­tines com­bine ath­leti­cism and ele­gance, cre­at­ing a visu­al spec­ta­cle that cap­ti­vates audi­ences of all ages.

Host­ing a com­pa­ny gath­er­ing? Aer­i­al acro­bat­ics for a cor­po­rate event is an excep­tion­al way to impress clients and col­leagues alike. Our expe­ri­enced per­form­ers have enter­tained audi­ences around the globe, mak­ing them a stand­out addi­tion to any cor­po­rate cel­e­bra­tion. Whether it’s a prod­uct launch, awards night, or com­pa­ny par­ty, their stun­ning acts ensure your event is a resound­ing success.

Throw­ing a pri­vate bash? Add a touch of high-fly­ing excite­ment with aer­i­al acro­bat­ics for a par­ty! Per­fect for birth­days, anniver­saries, or any mile­stone cel­e­bra­tion, these aer­i­al acts trans­form the atmos­phere, turn­ing your gath­er­ing into an unfor­get­table experience.

Our aer­i­al acro­bat­ics for par­ties are ver­sa­tile, adapt­able to var­i­ous venues, and guar­an­teed to be the high­light of the night. Imag­ine the thrill of see­ing these per­form­ers defy grav­i­ty, spin­ning and soar­ing with cap­ti­vat­ing ener­gy. It’s enter­tain­ment at its finest, bring­ing awe and won­der to every event.
Ready to take your cel­e­bra­tion to new heights? Book our aer­i­al acro­bats today and make your event tru­ly extraordinary!

  • Solo Hoops
  • Hoop Duet
  • Up to 10 Hoop Artists
  • Full Show
  • Ambient Hangabout Sets
  • "Great feedback from our guests. Great show. The team were strong and brave and you gave me exactly what I was hoping for with good choreography to the music."
    — Personal Finance Society - Corporate Event
  • "Fantastic and amazing!"
    — Private Client
  • "Our clients were in awe of her performance!"
    — Club Night - Mayfair
  • "The hoop girls' performance was breathtaking! Their acrobatic prowess and elegant routines showcased pure skill and artistry. A must-see for any event!"

Aerial Hoop

Aerial Hoops London Circus Performers for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
The best in aerial acrobatics with our skilled hoops in the UK. Their dazzling performance guarantees an unforgettable highlight for any event.


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