
Carousel Wonderland Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Carousel
  • Seen from any angle
  • Awe-inspiring acro
  • Completely freestanding
  • Custom shows and themes
Completely unique and the only one of it's kind, the carousel is a freestanding Acro Act the like you have never seen before. From £3995
Carousel Summer Garden Acro Gecko Live Entertainment
Alice In Wonderland Theme
Carousel Summer Garden Gecko Live Entertainment
Summer Garden Theme
Carousel Live Circus Performers Gecko Live Entertainment
Winter Theme
Carousel Winter Garden Gecko Live Entertainment
Winter Garden Theme

Look­ing to add a jaw-drop­ping wow fac­tor to your event? Meet The Carousel,” one of our most cap­ti­vat­ing acro­bat­ics for hire acts. This unique per­for­mance com­bines strength, grace, and mes­mer­iz­ing visu­als as two acro­bats daz­zle your guests with dynam­ic rou­tines per­formed atop a stun­ning rotat­ing carousel. It’s not just a per­for­mance — it’s an expe­ri­ence your audi­ence will nev­er forget!

Per­fect for any­one search­ing for acro­bat­ics for a cor­po­rate event, acro­bat­ics for par­ties, or even acro­bat­ics near me, The Carousel trans­forms any venue into a stage of won­der. The rotat­ing struc­ture offers a 360-degree view of the per­for­mance, ensur­ing every guest enjoys the mag­ic from every angle. It’s a show­piece that’s as ver­sa­tile as it is breathtaking.

The beau­ty of The Carousel lies not just in its artistry but also in its prac­ti­cal­i­ty. Com­plete­ly free­stand­ing and self-con­tained, it can be installed effort­less­ly in any venue with a ceil­ing height of at least 5 meters. Whether it’s an ele­gant ball­room or a trendy event space, The Carousel adapts with ease, deliv­er­ing a flaw­less spec­ta­cle every time.

From cor­po­rate events to pri­vate par­ties, this act guar­an­tees to leave your guests spell­bound. Imag­ine the amaze­ment as grace­ful acro­bats twirl and soar above a rotat­ing mas­ter­piece, cre­at­ing a visu­al feast of strength and ele­gance. It’s a per­fect choice for those look­ing to ele­vate their event with an unfor­get­table performance.

Ready to impress? Whether it’s acro­bat­ics for a cor­po­rate event or acro­bat­ics for par­ties, The Carousel is your tick­et to a show-stop­ping, crowd-pleas­ing act that will leave every­one talking!


Carousel Summer Garden Acro Gecko Live Entertainment
Completely unique and the only one of it's kind, the carousel is a freestanding Acro Act the like you have never seen before.


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