
Carousel Wonderland Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Carousel
  • Seen from any angle
  • Awe-inspiring acro
  • Completely freestanding
  • Custom shows and themes
Completely unique and the only one of it's kind, the carousel is a freestanding Acro Act the like you have never seen before. From £3995
Carousel Summer Garden Acro Gecko Live Entertainment
Alice In Wonderland Theme
Carousel Summer Garden Gecko Live Entertainment
Summer Garden Theme
Carousel Live Circus Performers Gecko Live Entertainment
Winter Theme
Carousel Winter Garden Gecko Live Entertainment
Winter Garden Theme

Intro­duc­ing one of our most cher­ished acro­bat­ic acts—the carousel. This robust struc­ture effort­less­ly sup­ports two per­form­ers, show­cas­ing their dynam­ic rou­tine. What makes this act tru­ly spe­cial is the entire carousel’s rota­tion, pro­vid­ing a mes­meris­ing and panoram­ic view for the audi­ence, ensur­ing an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence for everyone.

The rig is inge­nious­ly free­stand­ing, allow­ing it to be seam­less­ly installed in any venue with a ceil­ing height exceed­ing 5m. This self-con­tained fea­ture adds ver­sa­til­i­ty to its charm, mak­ing it a per­fect fit for var­i­ous event spaces and ensur­ing an awe-inspir­ing per­for­mance wher­ev­er it goes.


Carousel Summer Garden Acro Gecko Live Entertainment
Completely unique and the only one of it's kind, the carousel is a freestanding Acro Act the like you have never seen before.


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