DJ Sax Live

Gecko DJ Sax Live DJ with Saxophone Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire DJ Sax Live
  • DJ With Live Instruments
  • Full DJ Set Up
  • Corporate Event Specialists
  • Hybrid DJ Performance
DJ Live is the ultimate hybrid between the flexibility of a DJ, and the live energy of a band. From £1995
Gecko DJ Sax Gecko Live Entertainment
Classic Remixes
Gecko DJ Sax Sax DJ For Hire Gecko Live Entertainment
90's and Dance Floor Fillers
Gecko DJ Sax Live DJ with Saxophone Gecko Live Entertainment

DJ Sax Live is the ulti­mate fusion of a DJ’s ver­sa­til­i­ty and the elec­tri­fy­ing ener­gy of a live band, mak­ing them one of the most excit­ing par­ty bands to hire. This unique ensem­ble takes any event to the next lev­el by seam­less­ly blend­ing live sax­o­phone and per­cus­sion with a dynam­ic DJ set. The result? A per­for­mance that’s noth­ing short of extra­or­di­nary, per­fect for those look­ing to add a mem­o­rable musi­cal touch to their wed­ding, par­ty, or cor­po­rate event.

Look­ing to impress your guests at a wed­ding? The addi­tion of a sax­o­phone play­er for wed­ding will ele­vate the vibe, adding a touch of sophis­ti­ca­tion and excite­ment to the mix. Sax­o­phone play­ers for hire bring live ener­gy that per­fect­ly com­ple­ments the seam­less DJ beats, ensur­ing the dance floor stays packed and the atmos­phere unforgettable.

For cor­po­rate par­ty bands, DJ Sax Live offers a pol­ished, high-ener­gy per­for­mance that com­bines the flex­i­bil­i­ty of a DJ with the show­man­ship of live musi­cians. Whether it’s a prod­uct launch, awards cer­e­mo­ny, or annu­al cel­e­bra­tion, this dynam­ic act knows how to enter­tain and engage. Their per­for­mance exudes pro­fes­sion­al­ism while keep­ing things fun and live­ly, ensur­ing your cor­po­rate event is a hit.

DJ Sax Live’s abil­i­ty to adapt to any crowd makes them the ide­al choice for those seek­ing a blend of live music and DJ ver­sa­til­i­ty. The fusion of live instru­ments like sax­o­phone and per­cus­sion adds an excit­ing lay­er to the per­for­mance, cre­at­ing a unique atmos­phere that will leave your guests talk­ing for years to come.

So, whether you’re plan­ning a wed­ding, pri­vate par­ty, or cor­po­rate event, DJ Sax Live is the per­fect option for a remark­able musi­cal expe­ri­ence. For a mix of sophis­ti­ca­tion, ener­gy, and crowd-pleas­ing tunes, book DJ Sax Live today and take your event to the next level!

  • Add a Saxophone Player
  • Full Sound System as required
  • Add a Percussionist
  • Hybrid DJ with live musicians
Make It Awesome
  • Enhance your venue with a complete uplighting package
  • Book an early arrival to get right to the party
  • Upgrade your sound to our pro package for larger events
Package Upgrade (As seen in the video)
  • DJ Booth Rustic Wooden DJ Booth
  • Lighting LED Strips Bars and Moving Lights on Plinths
  • Enhanced Sound Larger Speaker System and Dedicated Sound Engineer
  • Neon Sign Add To The Party Vibe

DJ Sax Live

Gecko DJ Sax Sax DJ For Hire Gecko Live Entertainment
DJ Live is the ultimate hybrid between the flexibility of a DJ, and the live energy of a band.


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