DJ Sam

DJ Sam Kent and London Event DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire DJ Sam
  • Experienced in all styles of music
  • Library of over 150,000 tracks
  • Advanced Mobile DJ Controller
DJ Sam is a young and talented DJ and producer highly regarded on the scene. From £775

DJ Sam is no ordi­nary DJ for hire; he’s a ris­ing star in the world of DJing and music pro­duc­tion. His jour­ney began at the pres­ti­gious Acad­e­my of Con­tem­po­rary Music, where he received exten­sive train­ing in music pro­duc­tion, live per­for­mance, and DJing. This sol­id foun­da­tion has pro­pelled him to the fore­front of the indus­try, mak­ing him the go-to choice for those look­ing to hire a DJ for a par­ty or event.

When you secure DJ Sam for your event, get ready for an unpar­al­leled musi­cal jour­ney! His set­up is noth­ing short of spec­tac­u­lar, fea­tur­ing a mes­meris­ing LED-lit DJ booth, one of the most advanced DJ con­trollers on the mar­ket, an exten­sive music library, and a cut­ting-edge sound and light­ing sys­tem. With DJ Sam at the helm, your cor­po­rate gath­er­ing trans­forms into a mul­ti­sen­so­ry spec­ta­cle that your guests won’t forget.

What tru­ly sets DJ Sam apart is his excep­tion­al live mix­ing skills. He’s earned a rep­u­ta­tion as one of the pre­mier live DJs in the mobile scene, con­sis­tent­ly in high demand across the South of the UK and Lon­don. His secret? An uncan­ny abil­i­ty to seam­less­ly blend diverse gen­res, styles, and tem­pos, cre­at­ing irre­sistible mix­es that keep the dance floor packed and the ener­gy high. Whether you need a DJ for a wed­ding or a DJ for cor­po­rate events, DJ Sam is your key to an elec­tri­fy­ing expe­ri­ence that will have every attendee danc­ing the night away.

So, if you’re look­ing to hire a DJ for par­ties that leave a last­ing impres­sion, DJ Sam is your man. Ele­vate your next event with his excep­tion­al tal­ent and watch as he crafts a mem­o­rable night filled with fun, laugh­ter, and, of course, fan­tas­tic music!

What's Included?
  • Sound System
  • DJ Booth
  • Party Lighting with moving heads
  • Complete Music Library
Make It Extra Special
  • Make it a full Silent Disco Package with up to 200 wireless headsets
  • Add a sax player for that Ibiza club experience
  • Add an early arrival so Sam is set and ready to go right from the start with minimal set up time
  • Enhance your venue with a complete uplighting package

DJ Sam

DJ Sam Sussex Event DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
DJ Sam is a young and talented DJ and producer highly regarded on the scene.


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