DJ Serena

why hire DJ Serena
  • Experienced in all styles of music
  • Party Lighting
  • Sound System
  • Library of over 150,000 tracks
  • Advanced Mobile DJ Controller
Suffolk based DJ Serena is a wedding expert. Perfect for keeping you on the dance floor and your guests entertained for a great evening party. From £695

Look­ing to hire a DJ who can make your event tru­ly unfor­get­table? Meet Ser­e­na, a sea­soned DJ for hire with a tal­ent for mix­ing music that keeps every­one on their feet. With exten­sive expe­ri­ence in wed­dings, cor­po­rate events, and all types of par­ties, DJ Ser­e­na knows how to read a crowd and deliv­er the per­fect sound­track to every moment. From clas­sic hits to the lat­est chart-top­pers, her music knowl­edge spans gen­res, mak­ing her sets live­ly, unique, and always crowd-pleasing.

Based in Suf­folk but avail­able across the UK, Ser­e­na is an ide­al choice for any spe­cial occa­sion, whether you’re look­ing for a DJ for a wed­ding, a cor­po­rate gath­er­ing, or to hire a DJ for a par­ty. Her ver­sa­tile set­up includes top-notch sound and light­ing equip­ment to cre­ate the per­fect vibe, and she can even add on spe­cial fea­tures like a bespoke wed­ding sound sys­tem, cus­tomised light­ing, and an LED dance floor to make your big day tru­ly memorable.

For cou­ples search­ing for a DJ, Ser­e­na offers an extra-spe­cial touch to make your wed­ding day as enchant­i­ng as it deserves to be. Her engag­ing style and seam­less tran­si­tions between songs keep the ener­gy high, and her pro­fes­sion­al approach ensures that your event runs smooth­ly from start to finish.

Whether it’s an ele­gant wed­ding recep­tion, a high-ener­gy cor­po­rate event, or a live­ly birth­day bash, DJ Ser­e­na will bring the music that your guests will be talk­ing about long after the par­ty ends. So, when it’s time to hire a DJ for a par­ty or book a DJ for cor­po­rate events, Ser­e­na is ready to make it an excep­tion­al expe­ri­ence. Let her music make your night!

What's Included?
  • Sound System
  • DJ Booth
  • Party Lighting with moving heads
  • Complete Music Library
Make It Extra Special
  • Make it a full Silent Disco Package with up to 200 wireless headsets
  • Add a sax player for that Ibiza club experience
  • Add an early arrival so Serena is set and ready to go right from the start with minimal set up time
  • Enhance your venue with a complete uplighting package

DJ Serena

Solo Singer and Guitarist Serena Wedding and Events Singer Gecko Live Enterainment
Suffolk based DJ Serena is a wedding expert. Perfect for keeping you on the dance floor and your guests entertained for a great evening party.


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