
Falcons wedding and Party Band
why hire Falcons
  • 3 Piece Rock and Pop Band
  • Songs from the last 5 decades
  • Wedding and Event Specialists
Awesome 4 piece party band based in Manchester. Falcons are guaranteed to get you on the dance floor. From £1645

Fal­cons deliv­ers a pre­mi­um par­ty band expe­ri­ence, trans­form­ing your event into an unfor­get­table night of cel­e­bra­tion. With a reper­toire span­ning from the swing­ing 60s to today’s chart-top­pers, Fal­cons guar­an­tees the ulti­mate par­ty vibe, whether it’s a wed­ding, cor­po­rate gath­er­ing, birth­day bash, or festival.

For the past decade, Fal­cons has graced stages on land and at sea, enter­tain­ing audi­ences in pres­ti­gious venues and aboard lux­u­ry cruise ships world­wide. Com­mit­ted to exceed­ing expec­ta­tions, Fal­cons pours their heart and soul into every per­for­mance, ensur­ing your event is tru­ly memorable.

Choose from a vari­ety of pack­ages tai­lored to suit your needs:

  • Duo acoustic performance
  • Trio acoustic performance
  • Full band acoustic performance
  • Full-fledged par­ty band
  • Back­ground music playlists suit­able for any setting
  • Com­plete DJ Pack­age, seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed with the band, to keep the par­ty alive from start to finish.

Fal­cons takes a client-cen­tered approach from the ini­tial con­ver­sa­tion, mak­ing them the per­fect part­ners to brain­storm your event plans with. Draw­ing from years of expe­ri­ence per­form­ing at a mul­ti­tude of events and venues, Fal­cons offers valu­able insights and advice to ele­vate your event.

With over a decade in the events indus­try, Fal­cons has catered to both inti­mate gath­er­ings and large-scale extrav­a­gan­zas, solid­i­fy­ing their rep­u­ta­tion as ver­sa­tile enter­tain­ers. Dive into the band’s showreel and let their music do the talk­ing, show­cas­ing their unmatched tal­ent and elec­tri­fy­ing performances.


Falcons wedding and Party Band
Awesome 4 piece party band based in Manchester. Falcons are guaranteed to get you on the dance floor.


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