Harpist Noa

Harpist Noa London Harpist For Hire G Ecko Live Entertainment
why hire Harpist Noa
  • Extremely Experience
  • Classically Trained
  • Bollywood, Classical and Contemporary Repertoire
One of London and Oxford's most foremost live harpists for weddings and events. From £795
Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling In Love
Bryan Adams - Everything I Do
Take That - Rule The World
Queen - Don't Stop Me Now, Bohemian Rhapsody, A Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
David Bowie - Space Oddity
Nataliana Dhc
Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Lion King
Einaudi - I Giorni, Una Mattina, Monday, Le Onde,
Yiruma - River Flows In You
Enya - Orinoco
Pachelbel's Canon (Solo, Duo And Chamber Ensemble), Ave Maria On The Prelude Of J.S Bach By Gounod For Violin And Harp,
The Swan By Saint-Sæns,
Serenade By Schubert,
Morning By Grieg,
To A Wild Rose By Edward Macdowell,
Pavane By Fauré,
Wedding March (Wagner And Mendelssohn Versions),
Ave Maria By Schubert,
Take 5 By Paul Desmond,
Autumn Leaves,
I've Got Rhythm And Rhapsody In Blue/American In Paris Medley By Gershwin,
Pure Imagination,
The Theme From Beauty And The Beast,
Somewhere Over The Rainbow From The Wizard Of Oz, Moon River By Henry Mancini,
All The Things You Are,
Au Matin- Marcel Tournier
La Source By Alphonse Hasselmans,
Watching The Wheat (Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn) By John Thomas,
Danny Boy (Trad),
Greensleeves (Trad),
Scarborough Fair (Trad),
Over The Sea To Skye (Trad),
Glenlivet (Trad),
Londonderry Air (Trad),
Merch Megan (Trad),
Sospan Fach (Trad),
Adagio From Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.2, Arabesque No.1&2,
Reverie And Clair De Lune By Debussy,
Gymnopedie No.1 By Satie,
Musetta's Waltz By Puccini,
Intermezzo From Carmen (Bizet),
Just The Way You Are,
Marry You And Count On Me (Bruno Mars),
Shake It Off (Taylor Swift),
A Thousand Years (Christina Perri),
Thinking Out Loud And Perfect (Ed Sheeran),
Fireflies (Owl City),
La La La And Lay Me Down (Sam Smith),
Teenage Dream (Katy Perry),
All Of Me (John Legend),
Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin),
Walking In The Air (Howard Blake),
You've Got The Love, Cosmic Love, Spectrum, Raise It Up, Hunger, Dog Days (Florence And The Machine)
Your Song, Benny And The Jets, Tiny Dancer, Rocket Man, I'm Still Standing (Elton John)
Let It Be, Yesterday(The Beatles)
On My Own (Les Mis)
Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol)
Time After Time (Cyndi Lauper)
All My Life
Africa (Toto)
Sky Full Of Stars (Coldplay)
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
Daft Punk - Get Lucky, Something About Us
Happy Birthday (Trad)
UK National Anthem (God Save The Queen)
Piazzolla - Libertango
Dancing On My Own – Robyn
Walking Dead Theme
Harpist Noa London Harpist Hire G Ecko Live Entertainment
Harpist Noa London Harpist For Hire G Ecko Live Entertainment

At just eight years old, she began her mag­i­cal jour­ney with the harp, learn­ing under esteemed instruc­tors like Catrin Mor­ris-Jones. After hon­ing her skills for six years, she advanced her craft under Karen Vaugh­an, the Head of Harp at the Roy­al Acad­e­my of Music and for­mer Co-Prin­ci­pal Harpist of the Lon­don Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra. This ded­i­ca­tion to excel­lence has made her a top choice for any­one search­ing for a harpist near me or a harp play­er for hire for par­ties.

Her career hit a roy­al high note in Decem­ber 2018 when she per­formed along­side the Roy­al Harpist, Anne Den­holm, at the 70th birth­day cel­e­bra­tions for the Prince of Wales — a tru­ly unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence that high­light­ed her extra­or­di­nary talent.

She’s col­lab­o­rat­ed with pres­ti­gious orches­tras and ensem­bles, includ­ing the Duet Phil­har­mon­ic Orches­tra, Rhond­da Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, Leices­ter Uni­ver­si­ty Orches­tra, and more. As the first reserve harpist for the Nation­al Youth Orches­tra, she has graced icon­ic stages like the Roy­al Albert Hall, Bar­bi­can, and Birm­ing­ham Sym­pho­ny Hall, show­cas­ing her harpistry to cap­ti­vat­ed audiences.

Her ver­sa­til­i­ty makes her the per­fect harpist for hire for any occa­sion. Whether you’re plan­ning a wed­ding, a cor­po­rate event, or a pri­vate gath­er­ing, she effort­less­ly blends clas­si­cal ele­gance with con­tem­po­rary charm. For those seek­ing harp music for wed­dings, her per­for­mances cre­ate an ethe­re­al atmos­phere, adding a touch of sophis­ti­ca­tion and romance to your spe­cial day.

From enchant­i­ng cer­e­monies to unfor­get­table par­ties, this harpist’s music is as ver­sa­tile as it is cap­ti­vat­ing. Search­ing for a harpist near me or a harpist to ele­vate your event? Look no fur­ther — her artistry and pro­fes­sion­al­ism ensure a mag­i­cal expe­ri­ence every time.

Harpist Noa

Harpist Noa London Harpist For Hire G Ecko Live Entertainment
One of London and Oxford's most foremost live harpists for weddings and events.


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