Jazz Trinity

Jazz Trinity London Swing Band Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Jazz Trinity
  • Jazz Virtuosos
  • Energetic Performances
  • Unforgettable Events
  • Classic Repertoire
a powerhouse of jazz virtuosos, delivers energetic sets with seamless transitions and audience-engaging fun for unforgettable events. From £3295
Jazz Trinity London Swing Band Gecko Live Entertainment
Jazz Trinity London Jazz Band Gecko Live Entertainment
Jazz Trinity London Jazz and Swing Band Gecko Live Entertainment

Envi­sion an ensem­ble of jazz vir­tu­osos from the nation’s renowned stages, like Ron­nie Scott’s, Jamie Cul­lum’s tours, and Michael Bublé’s record­ings — that’s Jazz Trin­i­ty. With a decade-long col­lab­o­ra­tion, they bring a high-ener­gy set seam­less­ly flow­ing from Rat Pack clas­sics and Jive to vin­tage pop re-imag­in­ings. As the night pro­gress­es, Latin beats and floor-fill­ing favourites emerge, cre­at­ing an elec­tri­fy­ing atmosphere.

Jazz Trin­i­ty’s per­for­mances are not just musi­cal bril­liance but a spec­ta­cle of inge­nious tran­si­tions and audi­ence-engag­ing fun. Their decade of expe­ri­ence has tak­en them across Lon­don, the UK, and inter­na­tion­al­ly, enter­tain­ing at New Year’s Eve par­ties in Baku, cor­po­rate events in Gene­va and Mona­co, and pri­vate gath­er­ings in Paris and Dubai.

Jazz Trinity

Jazz Trinity London Jazz Band Gecko Live Entertainment
a powerhouse of jazz virtuosos, delivers energetic sets with seamless transitions and audience-engaging fun for unforgettable events.


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