Murder Mystery

Murder Mysterty The Chef Did It Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Murder Mystery
  • Unique Entertainment
  • Complete Event Immersion
  • Compelling From Start To Finish
Every thought about killing your boss or one of your best men? Our live murder mystery show allows you to do just that, and then find the killer! From £3245
Murder Mysterty Live Who Done It
Murder Mystery Entertainment
Murder Mysterty The Chef Did It Gecko Live Entertainment
Did the chef do it?
Murder Mystery The Preist Did It Gecko Live Entertainment
Did the priest do it?

Mur­der Mys­tery Information

We offer you din­ner the­atre that is per­fect­ly per­formed and suit­able for all types of cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment, spe­cial events and pri­vate par­ties. Our unique, enter­tain­ing and hilar­i­ous per­for­mances can work in any loca­tion and for any num­ber of guests.

Usu­al­ly unfold­ing over din­ner; your guests would be the key wit­ness­es to a bru­tal mur­der and must attempt to dis­cov­er the guilty par­ty. Using top West End actors and a bril­liant script — we offer an entire evening’s enter­tain­ment that is per­fect­ly suit­ed to any event. 

We deliv­er a com­plete after­noon or evening’s enter­tain­ment and the best way to describe what we do is to think of it as a real­ly good piece of inter­ac­tive the­atre. The enter­tain­ment begins dur­ing pre-din­ner drinks, as our colour­ful char­ac­ters wel­come guests; allow­ing them to get acquaint­ed with every­one involved. Foul mur­der takes place dur­ing a pre-din­ner speech and one of our char­ac­ters comes for­ward to host pro­ceed­ings and lead the inves­ti­ga­tion. Guests are sep­a­rat­ed into teams to work togeth­er and hilar­i­ous short scenes are enact­ed over din­ner as sus­pects are inter­viewed. Through­out the evening guests will have the chance to inter­view and inter­act with each of the sus­pects indi­vid­u­al­ly to help them form their con­clu­sions. To help teams in their inves­ti­ga­tion they will be pre­sent­ed with a sil­ver brief­case con­tain­ing every­thing they need to run their inves­ti­ga­tion which includes beau­ti­ful­ly pre­sent­ed infor­ma­tion on each of the suspects. 

Once all the sus­pects have been inter­ro­gat­ed, your guests can offer their solu­tions. They must name the killer and explain his or her motive. Once all these the­o­ries have been pre­sent­ed we approach the moment of truth as our inves­ti­ga­tor reveals the real killer and the motive. Expect a dra­mat­ic con­fes­sion and like­ly an attempt to flee the scene before the mur­der­er is appre­hend­ed. Order is restored, a win­ning team is announced and prizes are awarded. 

We use a min­i­mum of four actors for a per­for­mance although we do rec­om­mend using our full cast of six. A per­for­mance would typ­i­cal­ly take place over din­ner and last for approx­i­mate­ly three hours although this can of course be short­er or longer as appro­pri­ate. Whilst we do cov­er the whole of the UK; we are Lon­don based and there may be a trav­el charge depend­ing on the loca­tion of your venue. If your event has less than 100 guests then we can usu­al­ly per­form with­out ampli­fi­ca­tion. For a larg­er event we can bring along our sound engi­neers to ensure that the per­for­mance can fill any room.

Cor­po­rate Events

A Mur­der Mys­tery is a great idea for any type of event but we think it is an absolute win­ner for any type of cor­po­rate occa­sion. Many of the pri­vate per­for­mances at which we com­mit mur­der are for cor­po­rate clients and we can boast an eye-water­ing list of pre­vi­ous com­pa­nies that have enjoyed our shows. You might be host­ing a con­fer­ence and be look­ing for one evening of din­ner enter­tain­ment or you could even be treat­ing your col­leagues to a night out. Either way; we at the Mur­der Mys­tery Col­lec­tive promise to enter­tain and ensure that the audi­ence will have a blast.

The event allows guests to inter­act and work togeth­er whilst try­ing to solve the mys­tery – it is an amaz­ing ice-break­er and will cer­tain­ly avoid the pit-falls of a bor­ing con­fer­ence din­ner. If you have a mul­ti-nation­al audi­ence then show­ing them this famous British insti­tu­tion could give them some­thing that they have nev­er seen before.

Our Mur­der Mys­tery events are care­ful­ly writ­ten to be fun, inter-active and per­fect­ly suit­ed to a mixed cor­po­rate audi­ence. Guests can either get involved, chat to the actors then offer a solu­tion. Or if they pre­fer they can sim­ply sit back, laugh and enjoy the show. We promise that even the most ner­vous and retir­ing of guest will find them­selves unable to resist join­ing in and play­ing detective.

Mur­der Mys­tery Plots and Stories

We offer sev­er­al plots and sto­ries that are per­fect­ly suit­ed to any occa­sion. We focus heav­i­ly on qual­i­ty rather than quan­ti­ty and delib­er­ate­ly lim­it the num­ber of sto­ries on offer to clients. This ensures that we have shows that are fre­quent­ly per­formed with scripts of the high­est qual­i­ty and actors that are expe­ri­enced at play­ing all the roles. Each of our scripts have been painstak­ing­ly writ­ten, rehearsed and per­fect­ed. Rather hand­i­ly all of our plots can eas­i­ly be adapt­ed to fit the theme of your event!

Mur­der at Lovelace Manor 

Our most pop­u­lar sto­ry incor­po­rates won­der­ful clas­sic Mur­der Mys­tery char­ac­ters in a tra­di­tion­al set­ting. Your guests have been invit­ed to a char­i­ty evening held at the home of Lord and Lady Lovelace. Rais­ing mon­ey for the Lovelace Char­i­ty for Des­ti­tute Chil­dren”; the eccen­tric Lord has decid­ed to hold a din­ner. With colour­ful guests includ­ing the trendy local Rev­erend and his inap­pro­pri­ate wife; you will be served by an unusu­al chef, a flir­ty French maid and a rather sim­ple sta­ble boy. The evening takes a turn for the worse as a hor­rif­ic mur­der is com­mit­ted. Through your guest’s deduc­tion and the dis­cov­ery of evi­dence, dirty secrets and sor­did lies are brought to the fore. It is only with your guest’s cun­ning that this devi­ous mur­der can be solved. 

Mur­der at Pork Hall 

This is a mind bend­ing and hilar­i­ous mur­der mys­tery evening fea­tur­ing inven­tive char­ac­ters, quirky British humour and all set in a clas­sic genre. Set in the sprawl­ing man­sion of new­ly rich Essex girl Lady Pork, we weave a tale of intrigue that will have you scratch­ing your head until the thrilling dénoue­ment. Lady Pork is cel­e­brat­ing the birth­day of her pet chi­huahua, Princess Lam­bri­ni, in the only way she knows how; exces­sive­ly! It is not long before a hor­rif­ic mur­der takes place leav­ing your guests to get to the bot­tom of the crime and answer the age old ques­tion of who dun­nit?’. Could it be the bum­bling vet, the annoy­ing milk­man, the war injured cap­tain and his spikey nurse, the indif­fer­ent Pol­ish maid or even the sto­ic but­ler lead­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion? Through com­ic scenes and baf­fling evi­dence, your guests must solve the mys­tery, lest the mur­der­er escape scot free! So relax, enjoy and see that jus­tice is done.

  • "Murder Mystery Collective entertained our Christmas Party this year with their brilliant performance of ‘Lovelace Manor’. The evening was an enormous success, due to the professionalism, courtesy, flexibility, and pure talent of the performers. They had our guests enthralled from the start and they struck just the right balance keeping the whole evening running smoothly but letting the guests feel involved and having fun. Highly recommend them."
    — Christmas Party
  • "I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent performance last night. No one has stopped talking about it and I’m sure the evening will not be forgotten for a long time. I have no doubt that engaging you was the best thing we could have done and it was worth every penny."
    — Corporate Client
  • "We had an absolutely fabulous party. The Murder Mystery team were brilliant, fantastic and inspired. We think the element of surprise with our guests made the difference. We did not tell them what the entertainment would be and most of them were still wondering what was going on until someone got shot."
    — Private Party Client

Murder Mystery

Murder Mysterty Live Who Done It
Every thought about killing your boss or one of your best men? Our live murder mystery show allows you to do just that, and then find the killer!


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