Sax Player Otis

Solo Sax Player Otis London Sax Payer for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Sax Player Otis
  • Musical Expertise
  • West End Experience
  • Versatile Saxophonist
  • Modern Repertoire
  • International Bookings
Versatile sax player with a 25-year career, collaborating with international artists, TV appearances, West End debut, and fusion band performances. From £995
Solo Sax Player London Sax Player Gecko Live Entertainment
Solo Sax Player Otis London Sax P Layer Gecko Live Entertainment

Otis embarked on a musi­cal jour­ney, earn­ing a schol­ar­ship at 13 for clas­si­cal trum­pet, lat­er study­ing sax­o­phone under jazz leg­end Bob­by Wellins. As a ses­sion musi­cian for 25 years, Otis col­lab­o­rat­ed with artists like Celine Dion, Art Gar­funkel, and toured with the Lon­don Gospel Com­mu­ni­ty Choir.

TV appear­ances include Top Of The Pops and The Nation­al Lot­tery. Otis, a ver­sa­tile per­former, made a West End debut in The Bud­dy Hol­ly Sto­ry” and toured with The Spir­it of the Dance,” show­cas­ing his sax­o­phone skills as a soloist, along­side DJs, and lead­ing his fusion band at events like the Read­ing Jazz & Ale Festival.

  • Available with DJ
  • Wedding Specialist
  • International Bookings

Sax Player Otis

Solo Sax Player London Sax Player Gecko Live Entertainment
Versatile sax player with a 25-year career, collaborating with international artists, TV appearances, West End debut, and fusion band performances.


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