Solo Guitarist & Singer Kieron

Solo Guitarist Singer Kieron Local Wedding performers Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Solo Guitarist & Singer Kieron
  • Compact set up, great for small stages
  • Easy to move between venue spaces
  • Request your special song
Kieron is the quintessential choice for your big event or special occasion. From £770

Look­ing for a top-notch gui­tar play­er for hire, an engag­ing acoustic gui­tar per­former, or a solo gui­tarist for a wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny? Look no fur­ther than Kieron. With exten­sive per­form­ing expe­ri­ence and a tal­ent for cap­ti­vat­ing audi­ences, Kieron has trav­eled across the con­ti­nent, mak­ing him a sea­soned pro who can expert­ly han­dle the enter­tain­ment for your spe­cial event.

Whether you’re plan­ning a wed­ding, cor­po­rate event, or a live­ly par­ty, Kieron’s exten­sive song reper­toire and abil­i­ty to take requests ensure a seam­less, enjoy­able expe­ri­ence for all. From deliv­er­ing opu­lence dur­ing your wed­ding break­fast to set­ting the per­fect tone for you to walk down the aisle, Kieron’s per­for­mances add a touch of class to any cel­e­bra­tion. When the evening comes, he’ll have every­one singing along to their favorite par­ty anthems and danc­ing the night away.

As an acoustic wed­ding singer, Kieron brings a blend of charm and pro­fes­sion­al­ism to cre­ate a mem­o­rable sound­track for your big day. His ver­sa­til­i­ty as a singers for par­ties and a solo gui­tarist for hire means he can tai­lor his music to suit any mood or theme, whether you want a relaxed, roman­tic atmos­phere or a live­ly, fun vibe. Kieron’s goal is to make your event unfor­get­table, leav­ing guests talk­ing long after the last song fades away. Let him take care of the enter­tain­ment, so you can focus on enjoy­ing your cel­e­bra­tion to the fullest.

What's Included
  • Male Vocalist
  • Compact PA, great for small stages
  • Additional Musicians available
  • Bespoke playlist played between performances
  • PLI and PAT certification
Top Tracks
  • Don't Look Back In Anger Oasis
  • Watermelon Sugar Harry Styles
  • Drops Of Jupiter Train
  • Mr Brightside The Killers
  • Blame It On Me George Ezra

Solo Guitarist & Singer Kieron

Solo Guitarist Singer Kieron Wedding Entertainment Gecko Live Entertainment
Kieron is the quintessential choice for your big event or special occasion.


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