Solo Violinist Charlie

Solo London Violinist - Live entertainment
why hire Solo Violinist Charlie
  • Back and High Energy Sets
  • Electric or Acoustic Perforamcnes
  • Enhanced Backing Tracks for Stunning Sound
  • Available with DJ Live
Charlie brings charismatic musical charm to any event, offering classical solos, lounge ambiance, or electric party vibes with his versatile violin arsenal. From £645

Char­lie Cole is a ver­sa­tile musi­cian with a pas­sion for shar­ing his tal­ent. He has explored var­i­ous gen­res, col­lab­o­rat­ing with renowned artists from clas­si­cal to rock. Study­ing under Pro­fes­sor Maciej Rakows­ki at the Roy­al North­ern Col­lege of Music, Char­lie’s exper­tise extends to vio­lin and vocals.

His career has tak­en him world­wide, per­form­ing in the UK, Ger­many, Italy, Scan­di­navia, Chi­na, and on cruise ships. Char­lie has shared the stage with notable musi­cians and groups, includ­ing Min­istry of Sound, and par­tic­i­pat­ed in mas­ter­class­es with vio­lin leg­ends like Ivry Gitlis. He has graced pres­ti­gious venues such as the Roy­al Albert Hall and Buck­ing­ham Palace, and appeared on TV shows like BBC Proms, X Fac­tor, and the Roy­al Vari­ety Performance.

Char­lie’s musi­cal jour­ney includes enrich­ing expe­ri­ences in pub­lic mas­ter­class­es with esteemed musi­cians like Yair Kless, Gabor Tack­acs-Nagy, Ani Schnarch, Kather­ine Mac­in­tosh, and the Gould Piano Trio. He has col­lab­o­rat­ed with dis­tin­guished artists such as Tim Gar­land, Gwilym Sim­cock, Asaf Sirkis, Bob­by Wellins, Don Weller, Chris­t­ian Gar­rick, Mar­tin Tay­lor, Guy Bark­er, Col­in Matthews, and Simon Colam.

  • "Charlie is the best in the business - outstanding musicianship, total professionalism, and just happens to be great company too. He's a true all-rounder, equally comfortable sight-reading or improvising in a huge variety of styles..."
    — Private Event
  • "Charlie was incredible, both in the run-up to the wedding (which ended up being over a number of years due to postponements!) and on the day. We were all blown away by his playing. Our guests couldn't stop talking about him, we had so many wonderful comments. Book Charlie, you won't regret it!"
    — Wedding Client
  • "Charlie has worked for me a number of times and never ceases to amaze me. His ability to adapt to any situation or musical genre makes him a fabulous asset to the music business"
    — Private Client
  • "Charlie, you were utterly wonderful and thank you so very much for a job well done. We were both thrilled and it was a marvellous surprise for my husband who hasn't stopped talking about you!!""
    — Wedding Client
  • "Hi Charlie, just wanted to thank you again for yesterday. You were awesome and it really was the best day of our lives so thank you..."
    — Wedding Client

Solo Violinist Charlie

Solo London Violinist - Live entertainment
Charlie brings charismatic musical charm to any event, offering classical solos, lounge ambiance, or electric party vibes with his versatile violin arsenal.


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