08 January, 2025

2025 Corporate Event Entertainment Trends

Discover the latest trends in corporate event entertainment and let's make sure your next event is engaging, memorable, and a outright success!
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Enter­tain­ment for a cor­po­rate event3 trends to watch out for 

The cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment moves at pace; what’s hot one minute is luke­warm the next. What that means for your next cor­po­rate event is that you’re under pres­sure to make sure it’s a suc­cess. While cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment isn’t the be all and end all of an event…it does play a big part. To help out, we’ve iden­ti­fied the top three trends when it comes to enter­tain­ment for a cor­po­rate event.

Here they are:

#1 Immer­sive expe­ri­ences for cor­po­rate event

This one isn’t such a sur­prise because there is noth­ing bet­ter that audi­ences being com­plete­ly engaged in a mul­ti-sen­so­ry, engag­ing envi­ron­ment that tru­ly trans­ports them some­where else. This can be can around a theme – choos­ing a beloved decade for exam­ple (of course we’re going to sug­gest the 80s!) and cre­at­ing a space with a live par­ty band play­ing music from the era, along with art, cos­tumes and décor that reflect that peri­od. Oth­er themes include Hol­ly­wood glam with live sax play­ers adding a bit of atmos­phere, Speakeasy deca­dence with a ded­i­cat­ed jazz band, or a flir­ty fes­ti­val cor­po­rate event com­plete with a roam­ing band, cus­tomised wellies and fin­ger food from a host of vendors.

But them­ing your next cor­po­rate event isn’t your only option; immer­sive expe­ri­ences can be cre­at­ed in any num­ber of ways. A mixol­o­gy ses­sion with expert cock­tail mak­ers – cre­at­ing cus­tomised alco­holic and non-alco­holic; inter­ac­tive din­ing with chefs mak­ing food on demand; or enter­tain­ment acts that are out of the ordi­nary, like acro­bats, con­tor­tion­ists, or the ever-engag­ing cham­pagne skirts!

#2 Low impact & sus­tain­abil­i­ty for cor­po­rate entertainment

With such an empha­sis being placed on ESG ini­tia­tives, sus­tain­abil­i­ty and the envi­ron­ment, it isn’t any won­der that cor­po­rate events are fol­low­ing suit. While the cor­po­rate events them­selves aren’t cre­at­ed around a sus­tain­able theme, they are cre­at­ed with sus­tain­abil­i­ty in mind – from not using sin­gle-use items on the evening and being aware of the car­bon impact of trav­el for four hun­dred guests (plant trees to off­set this!) to ensur­ing par­ty favours and dec­o­ra­tions are recy­clable and eco-friend­ly. Work­ing with sus­tain­able ven­dors and sup­pli­ers – like B Cor­po­ra­tion cer­ti­fied busi­ness­es – will help bring this trend to bear.

#3 The tech­nol­o­gy approach to cor­po­rate entertainment

Keep­ing your guests enter­tained and engaged at your next cor­po­rate event could mean using more tech­nol­o­gy – and no, not the funky pho­to­booth. It’s a tech-for­ward approach that is using the lat­est tech to daz­zle and delight a large audi­ence. Holo­graph­ic per­for­mances are gain­ing trac­tion in cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment, espe­cial­ly in bring­ing speech­es to life, whether that is a his­tor­i­cal fig­ure adding ver­i­tas to the evening or the remote CEO address­ing his team. They can also bring enter­tain­ment acts to life across a large space or be used to demon­strate new prod­ucts in 3D, show­ing all angles. And that is not to men­tion the most used phrase of the year – arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence! Using AI to gen­er­ate music, poet­ry or per­son­alised art instal­la­tions is a fan­tas­tic way to boost audi­ence inter­est and get them active­ly involved in enter­tain­ing themselves.

Enter­tain­ment for a cor­po­rate event – you don’t need to do it alone

If you’d like to bring these engag­ing cor­po­rate event enter­tain­ment ideas to life why not work with a part­ner who has expe­ri­ence in mak­ing that hap­pen. The team at Gecko Live lives and breathes enter­tain­ment – being musi­cians and enter­tain­ers them­selves, they know exact­ly what the chal­lenges are in select­ing enter­tain­ment for a cor­po­rate event and ensur­ing every­thing goes off with­out a hitch. 

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