12 September, 2023

6 Recommendations for Mastering Your Wedding Day Makeup

For a flawless appearance on your special day, check out our 6 fantastic suggestions for crafting your wedding day makeup.
Choosing your wedding make up

Whether to save mon­ey or sim­ply due to a love for make­up, more brides are opt­ing to han­dle their wed­ding-day make­up rather than seek­ing a professional.

But, even if you’re skilled with make­up, prepar­ing your own wed­ding day style can be daunt­ing. It’s an impor­tant day, and it’s cru­cial that your make­up not only lasts all day but also looks won­der­ful in photos.

To guide you, we’ve com­piled our 6 best pieces of advice to ace that wed­ding make­up on your own!

1 — Prac­tise Real­ly Does Make Perfect

Don’t leave your look for the last moment! Keep prac­tis­ing until you’re con­fi­dent in recre­at­ing your desired look any­where. Con­sid­er record­ing your­self or jot­ting down steps to review on the big day.

2 — Apply a Primer 

Ensure you begin with a light primer lay­er before your make­up. It aids in smooth­ing imper­fec­tions and prep­ping the skin. The right primer can extend your make­up from the cer­e­mo­ny to late-night celebrations.

3 — Find the Per­fect Foundation

Your ide­al foun­da­tion should match with both your skin shade and type. Con­sult spe­cial­ists for the per­fect foun­da­tion match. With so many options avail­able, don’t hes­i­tate to explore var­i­ous make­up coun­ters and shops.

4 — Avoid Sparkles

Though shim­mer­ing eye­shad­ows or high­lighters might appeal for the big day, they often don’t pho­to­graph well. For cam­era-ready make­up, lean towards neu­trals, mut­ed hues, and mat­te finishes.

5 — Opt for Water­proof Mascara

Water­proof mas­cara will not only last through emo­tion­al moments but also stand up to heat. Essen­tial for brides mar­ry­ing in warmer months and those danc­ing the night away.

6 — Resist Fleet­ing Trends

If bold make­up isn’t your dai­ly go-to, don’t sud­den­ly opt for a dra­mat­ic style on your wed­ding. Remem­ber, these pic­tures will last a life­time. Your wed­ding make­up should ampli­fy your nat­ur­al beau­ty, pre­sent­ing the best ver­sion of you.