22 September, 2023

9 Unique and Quirky Wedding Theme Ideas

Searching for the perfect unique wedding theme? We’ve counted down our top 9 unusual wedding day themes to provide you with inspiration.
This way to happily ever after

If you want to plan a wed­ding with a dif­fer­ence, then an off beat or quirky theme can pro­vide an excel­lent base that will real­ly get your cre­ative ideas flow­ing. Not only can a well-thought-out wed­ding theme add an ele­ment of antic­i­pa­tion for your guests, but they also pro­vide an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to show­case you two as a cou­ple; be that shared inter­ests, hob­bies, pas­sions — even obses­sions. And so here we’ve com­piled a list of our top nine quirky wed­ding theme ideas to spark your creativity:

1. A Clas­sic Fairy­tale Wedding

Trans­port your­self and your wed­ding guests into a world of roy­al­ty straight out of a sto­ry­book with an enchant­ed fairy­tale-themed wed­ding. Think big with horse-drawn car­riages for trans­porta­tion, an instru­men­tal act to ser­e­nade, and a venue with either a whim­si­cal wood­land set­ting or a grand ballroom.

2. A Super­hero Extravaganza

Embrace your inner heroes with a unique super­hero-themed wed­ding that appeals to guests of all ages. You could begin by choos­ing a colour palette which has been inspired by your favourite super­hero and accent this across bou­quets, bou­ton­nieres and bow ties. Also think about oth­er quirky touch­es such as dec­o­ra­tions and table plans made with com­ic book pages. 

3. The Great Gatsby

Step back in time to the Roar­ing 20s with a Great Gats­by-themed wed­ding, exud­ing ele­gance and cap­ti­vat­ing details. This non-tra­di­tion­al cel­e­bra­tion can be incred­i­bly opu­lent and roman­tic. Infuse your cer­e­mo­ny and wed­ding recep­tion with an Art Deco flair, fea­ture a live band play­ing clas­sics and go all out with a cham­pagne fountain.

4. Choose a Moun­tain Retreat 

Ide­al for the ski­ing enthu­si­asts or those dream­ing of a win­ter won­der­land wed­ding; a ski lodge theme is a per­fect choice. Bring this theme to life with cosy fire­places, mulled wine, and, for the adven­tur­ous, con­sid­er book­ing a venue in the mountains.

5. Trav­el Bugs

Hon­our your wan­der­lust with a trav­el-themed wed­ding, sym­bol­is­ing the great adven­tures that lie ahead. Each table can rep­re­sent one of your favourite trav­el des­ti­na­tions, adorned with trav­el quotes and pho­tographs that hold spe­cial mean­ing to you both.

6. Spooky Elegance

Hal­loween-themed wed­dings don’t have to rely sole­ly on orange and black décor and fan­cy dress. This theme can be as eerie or autumn-inspired as you desire. Incor­po­rate nat­ur­al ele­ments into your venue décor, and per­haps even organ­ise a pump­kin-carv­ing com­pe­ti­tion for some evening entertainment.

7. Har­ry Potter

Unleash mag­i­cal wiz­ardry with a Har­ry Pot­ter themed wed­ding and cre­ate an enchant­i­ng expe­ri­ence. Whether you’re a life­long fan or new­ly dis­cov­ered the wiz­ard­ing world, this theme can bring a touch of mag­ic to your spe­cial day for mug­gles and wiz­ards alike. But be sure to set the tone with a Hog­warts accep­tance let­ter as your save-the-date invitation!

8. Pool­side Paradise

What could be more refresh­ing and quirky than a sum­mer pool­side wed­ding? Seek out a venue with a pool to ful­ly immerse your guests in the theme. Choose dec­o­ra­tions that align with your style, from float­ing can­dles and lanterns to a laid-back beach par­ty atmos­phere com­plete with themed cock­tails.

9. Win­ter Enchantment

Trans­form your wed­ding day into a win­ter won­der­land, just like those mag­i­cal scenes from the movies. Think frosty themed décor or even cre­ate your own with a faux snow­storm that will look stun­ning in pho­tographs. And incor­po­rate every­thing that is mag­i­cal about an enchant­ed win­ter won­der­land wed­ding: twin­kling lights and cosy blan­kets for your guests to snug­gle up under, com­plete with indul­gent hot chocolate.

Plan­ning a wed­ding can be almost as excit­ing as the big day itself and if you’ve got your heart set on a quirky wed­ding theme, then you can real­ly let your imag­i­na­tion run wild. There are no bad ideas at this stage, so what­ev­er you think of, have fun list­ing it down togeth­er. And if we can be of any help then get in touch with us and find out more!