04 February, 2025

Boost Your Brand with Entertainment

How to boost your brand through corporate entertainment - leave your guests wanting more, in awe and on the dance floor!
Mirrormen at Wokefield Estate

How to ele­vate your brand through cor­po­rate entertainment

It’s your worst night­mare; you’ve spent months organ­is­ing the sales event of the year, the spot­light is on, eyes of cus­tomers, staff and board mem­bers are glued to the stage and… nothing. 

Luck­i­ly it is just a night­mare. But the stress of find­ing and book­ing the per­fect cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment is real. It’s not just the logis­tics involved – select­ing the act, mak­ing sure they have what they need at the venue, and ensur­ing things go smooth­ly at the time – but also build­ing a trust­ed rela­tion­ship with the cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment book­ing agency.

More than that, it’s about mak­ing sure that the cor­po­rate enter­tain­er you choose is right for your brand, your event and your audi­ence. How do you make sure you tick the right box­es and do the (seem­ing­ly) impos­si­ble and please everyone?

Go back to basics

Cor­po­rate events are all about boost­ing brand aware­ness, main­tain­ing (or improv­ing) brand image, and strength­en­ing rela­tion­ships with cus­tomers, prospects, staff and oth­er share­hold­ers. So use your brand val­ues to guide you. Your brand is the one thing every­one has in com­mon, which means if you stay true to who you are (ahem, be authen­tic) then your cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment choice should align with your brand.

Con­sid­er your audience

This is the tricky part because very rarely will your audi­ence con­sist of one seg­ment of your total tar­get mar­ket. More like­ly, you’ll be appeal­ing to mul­ti­ple audi­ences – exist­ing cus­tomers, poten­tial cus­tomers in dif­fer­ent stages of the buy­ing jour­ney, staff, sup­pli­ers, con­sul­tants, share­hold­ers… Again, refer to your brand val­ues as an over­all guide for cor­po­rate enter­tain­ing, but know enough about your spe­cif­ic audi­ences to ensure you’re appeal­ing to at least some of their inter­ests and pro­vid­ing engag­ing cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment options.

Don’t for­get your objectives

As with any form of mar­ket­ing, your cor­po­rate event is being held for a pur­pose. Whether that is to recog­nise and moti­vate staff, cel­e­brate a mile­stone, launch a new prod­uct or pro­vide a net­work­ing event for your sales team, take the event’s objec­tives into consideration.

Glow The Magazine London Gecko Live Entertainment

Work with some­one you trust

You can’t do every­thing alone. Which means you’re like­ly jug­gling cater­ers, event organ­is­ers, inter­nal demands from mar­ket­ing and a thou­sand oth­er things that will only be appar­ent hours before the event! The last thing you want to do is wor­ry about your cor­po­rate enter­tain­ing. Work­ing with a live cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment agency with a sol­id rep­u­ta­tion will ease the pres­sure and stop you from imag­in­ing night­mare scenarios. 

Gecko Live is a team of experts that under­stands the pres­sures you’re fac­ing and the sup­port that you need. We deal with every­thing cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment relat­ed, from pub­lic lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance and PAT cer­tifi­cates to risk assess­ments and ensur­ing the venue space is right for the act.

What next?

Cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment can make or break an event. It’s also a sup­port­ing fac­tor in main­tain­ing your brand image – which makes it both chal­leng­ing and reward­ing. Keep­ing on track and choos­ing the right cor­po­rate enter­tain­ers doesn’t need to be com­plex and fraught with stress. Think about your brand val­ues, what you’re hop­ing to get out of the event, and what your audience(s) will respond to. Then engage with an expert like Gecko Live to get it done. 

Fan­cy a chat? Get in touch with us today – we’re here to make cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment go off with­out a hitch!

Talk to us about your corporate event entertainment

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