10 September, 2024

Don’t ditch the DJ

3 reasons to hire a wedding DJ
DJ Ross Berkshire Wedding DJ for hie Gecko Live Entertainment

Don’t ditch the DJ3 rea­sons to hire a wed­ding DJ

321 You’re on the bat­tle bus about to deploy for the tour­na­ment of your life. Except, it’s not Bat­tle Royale, it’s your wed­ding. And you’re going for the dub. Espe­cial­ly when it comes to your wed­ding music. Now the ques­tion you’re toy­ing with is wed­ding DJ or live band.

We’re here to look at why a DJ for your wed­ding can help make it mem­o­rable, epic and Gram-able.

#1 Build the vibe – own the vibe

This is your chance to do things your way. Do you want lo-fi beats while you’re eat­ing or hav­ing the wel­come drink? Do you want to ramp that up after din­ner and get every­one, even old aunt Cyn­thia on the dance­floor? That is what your wed­ding DJ can make a real­i­ty. They cater to all musi­cal moods and styles and can mix it up through­out the event to give you a vibe that suits the activ­i­ty and adds to the over­all experience.

#2 Cre­ate the sound­track to your wedding

A DJ will give you ulti­mate cre­ative con­trol over the music at your wed­ding – cus­tomis­ing the sound­track to your evening (this includes putting things on a strict NO PLAY’ list to avoid the icks). You don’t have to wor­ry about set lists or whether the band can learn your favourite tune in time for your big day because with a wed­ding DJ you’ve got that all at your fin­ger­tips. Okay, more like your wed­ding DJ’s fin­ger­tips! DJs can mix it up from the roman­tic (or quirky) first dance, to the club beat that was play­ing when you first kissed your fiancé, to a remixed Frank Sina­tra clas­sic for old aunt Cyn­thia – with a quick search and smooth transition.

#3 Suit your budget

Wed­ding DJ hire can be as expen­sive or as cost effec­tive as you need it to be. Wan­na save on the DJ to fund your dream hon­ey­moon to Sri Lan­ka? Or put more mon­ey behind the bar? DJs offer flex­i­ble pack­ages that allow you to choose what you want (or don’t want) – such as hav­ing them arrive ear­ly or extras like a silent dis­co option or uplight­ing for the DJ booth. The point is that wed­ding DJs give you more flex­i­bil­i­ty when it comes to your bud­get so if you want to go all out or add a day to your all-inclu­sive hon­ey­moon, the pow­er is in your hands.

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