03 October, 2023

How to Write A Wedding Speech

Writing a wedding speech can feel pretty daunting and it can be tricky knowing where to start. Check out our advice on how to write a wedding speech.
How to Write A Wedding Speech

Whether it’s a wed­ding speech for the Best Man, Maid of Hon­or, Bride or Groom, writ­ing a wed­ding speech can feel pret­ty over­whelm­ing. You might be feel­ing pres­sure to be fun­ny, roman­tic and enter­tain­ing in a very short space of time. Add to that the pres­sure of hon­our­ing a cou­ple that you care deeply about and the writer’s block can real­ly start to creep in.

If you’re draw­ing a blank or hav­ing a hard time nar­row­ing down the sto­ries you want to tell, just fol­low our sim­ple speech out­lines below.

Guide­lines for a Best Man or Maid of Hon­or Speech

1. Start with an Introduction

Tell every­one your name and a bit about your­self and how you met the bride or groom. Offer­ing a lit­tle con­text can help every­one con­nect with your words.

2. Share a Story

You were picked for this role for a rea­son and must have a trea­sure trove of mem­o­rable moments. Chose one that show­cas­es the qual­i­ties you admire most in the bride or groom. Make it relat­able, heart­warm­ing, and (most impor­tant­ly) suit­able for the occa­sion. Make sure your sto­ry has a point that seam­less­ly ties into your speech’s conclusion.

3. Recount the Day You Met Their Partner

The guests have wit­nessed dif­fer­ent aspects of the cou­ple’s love sto­ry, recount the day you first met their sig­nif­i­cant oth­er. Describe that exact moment you realised that this per­son was des­tined to be a sig­nif­i­cant part of their life. There won’t be a dry eye in the room.

4. Tell the Guests, and the Cou­ple, Your Hopes for Their Future

If you’re mar­ried, impart your most valu­able advice for a thriv­ing mar­riage. If you’re not mar­ried, offer your sin­cere wish­es for their endur­ing hap­pi­ness togeth­er. Make it per­son­al and unique to their rela­tion­ship. Close with a pos­i­tive, opti­mistic, and heart­felt vision of their future.

5. End with a Toast

Con­clud­ing a speech can be as chal­leng­ing as start­ing it, which is why we rec­om­mend wrap­ping up with a toast. Invite every­one to raise their glass­es and join you in toast­ing the extra­or­di­nary cou­ple — and, in your own mind, to the excep­tion­al speech you’ve just delivered!

Writ­ing the Bride or Groom’s Speech

1. Express Gratitude

Begin by extend­ing heart­felt grat­i­tude to your par­ents and your spouse’s par­ents. Next, acknowl­edge the wed­ding par­ty, every­one who con­tributed to the wed­ding’s suc­cess, and your cher­ished guests. This is the moment to open up and let your loved ones know just how much they mean to you.

2. Focus on Your Spouse

After your grat­i­tude, shift the spot­light to your beloved spouse. Express your deep affec­tion and share the pro­found sig­nif­i­cance of this day in your life. Get per­son­al, describ­ing spe­cif­ic attrib­ut­es and qual­i­ties that make them so spe­cial to you.

3. Revis­it Mem­o­rable Rela­tion­ship Moments

Share anec­dotes from your jour­ney togeth­er, such as the night you first met, the sto­ry of your love’s blos­som­ing, your engage­ment tale, or any oth­er piv­otal moments that led you to this beau­ti­ful juncture.

4. Raise a Toast to Loved Ones and Your Future

By this point, tears may have welled up in the eyes of many. Con­clude with a touch­ing toast to the dear ones sur­round­ing you and to your spouse. Lift your glass­es in trib­ute to the love and sup­port of every­one present, and toast to the dreams and aspi­ra­tions you hold for your shared future.

A wed­ding speech is not just a nor­mal speech; it is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to bless and raise a toast to every loved ones at the wed­ding. Writ­ing a mem­o­rable and great wed­ding speech will make every­one feel smile and enjoy their time at the event — Hap­py wed­ding speech writing!