05 October, 2024

Take the pain out of getting the best live wedding band

AKA Live Wedding Band

Take the pain out of get­ting the best live wed­ding band

Your wed­ding day is the cul­mi­na­tion of months of plan­ning, prepa­ra­tion, and deci­sion mak­ing – every­thing from the colour of the nap­kins and brides­maids’ shoes, to veg­an starter options and of course, music. Each one of these deci­sions has a num­ber attached and most like­ly a lit­tle bit of stress. 

While we can’t help with your oth­er deci­sions, we can help when it comes to live wed­ding bands. Many cou­ples have live bands at their wed­ding – it cre­ates an amaz­ing and mem­o­rable atmos­phere, it makes the recep­tion per­son­al, and you get your first dance song played exact­ly how you want it.

Here are a few things to con­sid­er when think­ing about hir­ing a live wed­ding band:

What kind of live wed­ding band

The first thing to con­sid­er is, of course, what type of live band you want. The options are end­less, from sassy string quar­tets and sax play­ers, to rau­cous roam­ing and par­ty bands. What kind of music suits your vibe? What will make you and your fiancé enjoy the recep­tion, par­ty up a storm and cre­ate last­ing mem­o­ries for your guests? 

That is a ques­tion only you can answer! But once you’ve made your choice you’re faced with the all-impor­tant ques­tion of how much does a live wed­ding band cost?

Horizon Festival Band Live Wedding Band Gecko Live Entertainment

How much is a live wed­ding band?

The answer to this lies in your bud­get – how much are you will­ing to spend? That might seem like a bit of a non-answer, but the real­i­ty is live wed­ding bands can be as afford­able or expen­sive as you make them! Con­sid­er things like the num­ber of mem­bers, the set length, their trav­el time, etc. While keep­ing this mind, don’t imme­di­ate­ly go to the low­est end of the bud­get because low cost doesn’t always equate with good. Your live wed­ding band should be pro­fes­sion­al with loads of expe­ri­ence to make sure you get the atmos­phere, enter­tain­ment and expe­ri­ence that you want!

Our advice is to go to a rep­utable book­ing plat­form – such as Gecko Live ☺ – who can help you make those deci­sions around the best live wed­ding bands to hire, as well as how much they cost. 

Slaugham Place First Dance Gecko Live Entertainment

What to con­sid­er before sign­ing a live wed­ding band

Now you’ve got your genre of music and bud­get sort­ed, you’re like­ly look­ing at a short list of live wed­ding bands that you’re try­ing out. Before sign­ing on the dot­ted line, make sure they are the right live wed­ding band for your shindig. 

Find out things like:

  • Can they play your spe­cial song?

  • Do they take requests? Or will they just stick to their repertoire?

  • Will they play before the recep­tion? What will that cost?

  • Do they need any spe­cial space / tech at the reception? 

Don’t be afraid to com­mu­ni­cate with them and be clear about what you want. You’re the ones spend­ing the mon­ey, so you have to be sure!

Amber Roaming Band London Party Band Gecko Live Entertainment

Let's find you the perfect wedding band

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