Arabian Nights Themed Entertainment

Full of colour, fun, interactive entertainment and designed to create a memorable and lasting impact on guests and delegates.
Elephant - Arabian Nights Themed Event

Ara­bi­an Nights Themed Events

Trans­port your guests to a realm of mys­tique, opu­lence, and exot­ic won­der with an unfor­get­table Ara­bi­an Nights themed cor­po­rate event. Per­fect for cor­po­rate par­ties, gala din­ners, prod­uct launch­es, or for a suc­cess­ful end-of-year cel­e­bra­tions, this theme mix­es the vibrant Mid­dle East­ern charm and décor with mod­ern touch­es to wow your guests.

Our Ara­bi­an Nights Theme is designed to immerse you in an atmos­phere bathed in the warm glow of lanterns, a venue draped with rich fab­rics, and adorned with life-sized props like genie lamps, ornate car­pets, camels and elephants. 

The mes­meris­ing sound of tra­di­tion­al music, cou­pled with daz­zling enter­tain­ment such as bel­ly dancers, fire per­form­ers, and the­o­r­bo play­ers, cre­ates an immer­sive expe­ri­ence that will cap­ti­vate your imagination.

Ara­bi­an Nights Entertainment

Enter­tain­ment is at the heart of an Ara­bi­an Nights-themed event. Live per­form­ers will trans­form it from an ordi­nary gath­er­ing into an extra­or­di­nary expe­ri­ence. Care­ful­ly curat­ed artist per­for­mances and inter­ac­tive walk­a­bout acts will immerse your guests in the mys­tique and allure of Mid­dle East­ern culture.

Our enter­tain­ment is designed to bring a new lev­el of authen­tic­i­ty to the theme. From hyp­not­ic bel­ly dancers and cap­ti­vat­ing fire per­form­ers to the melod­ic tunes of an oud play­er or the thrill of snake charm­ers, every act adds depth and real­ism to the atmosphere.

Enter­tain­ment doesn’t just cap­ti­vate — it cre­ates last­ing mem­o­ries. Guests will remem­ber the daz­zling per­for­mances, the vibrant ener­gy, and the unique expe­ri­ences long after the end of the night. This last­ing impres­sion rein­forced your company’s com­mit­ment to host­ing inno­v­a­tive, impact­ful events.

Our Favourite Arabian Nights Performers
  • Bollywood Stilt Walkers Great for interactive roaming entertainment in our vibrant & exquisite purple satin costumes!
  • Arabian Dancers Includes a 30 minute meet & greet, plus 2 interactive Bhangra shows with a modern twist.
  • Snake Performer 1 x ambient roaming set and 1 main act
  • LED Staff or Poi Spinners With multiple props available, these artists can perform freestyle LED sets and with their programmable props, we can personalise their performance by displaying your chosen branding, company logos or Birthday messages. The programmable technology enables us to customise the LEDs in order to display specific wording or imagery during the event making it perfect for corporate events.
  • LED Hula Hoopers Crazy skills with multiple LED Hoops for the most mesmerizing act! These performers will do 3 x 20 min freestyle hoop sets using ultra bright LED pixel hoops.
  • Walkabout Canapé Table A stunning visual interactive prop to roam the room wearing our illuminated LED canapé table.
  • Fire Performers These performers fit the theme so well and can be booked to be a part of a show or for ambient sets. Our fire performers will amaze your guests with a stunning fire show which can be performed as a main act or as several ambient freestyle sets
Fire eater Arabian Nights Theme
Ali Baba Virtuoso Arabian Nights Theme
Flaming Sax Player Arabian Nights Theme

Ara­bi­an Nights Theme Playlist

Globe Walker
Snake Dancer
Fire Hula
Alibaba Virtuoso
Arabian Dancers

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