Wedding Lighting and Decoration

Give your wedding or event the WOW factor!
Mirror Ball


At Gecko, we recog­nise the impact of event light­ing and the way it can trans­form your cho­sen venue.

Whether it’s ambi­ent wed­ding light­ing, strik­ing pro­jec­tion light­ing that bathes your venue in a spec­trum of col­or, or show­cas­ing your cor­po­rate brand­ing, we’ve got you covered.

Event light­ing pos­sess­es the abil­i­ty to com­plete­ly alter the ambiance and mood of any event or venue. Our ded­i­cat­ed team of tech­ni­cians and light­ing engi­neers is well-equipped to deliv­er the ide­al light­ing set­up for any occa­sion, cater­ing to your spe­cif­ic needs.

Party Band Dorney Court Andrew Billington Photography Gecko Live Entertainment
Festoon Lights
Gravity Surrey Party Wedding Band Gecko Live Entertainment

Dance Floors

The key to any suc­cess­ful event is get­ting peo­ple onto the dance floor. Whether you require a spe­cif­ic size or shape, and regard­less of the num­ber of guests ready to hit the floor, our selec­tion of sol­id, video, or black and white LED dance floors are guar­an­teed to kick off the celebration.

From wed­ding recep­tions and pri­vate par­ties to cor­po­rate events and award cer­e­monies, our dance floor rental options make it effort­less for you and your guests to groove and enjoy the festivities.

Dance Floor

Light Up Letters

Infuse a dis­tinc­tive per­son­al flair into your wed­ding day or cor­po­rate event and cap­ture enchant­ment with our selec­tion of 4ft light-up LED let­ters and numbers.

Our pre­mi­um LED light-up let­ters are ver­sa­tile, and suit­able for cor­po­rate events, com­pa­ny par­ties, or any spe­cial occa­sion. They leave a last­ing impres­sion and make for a per­fect pho­to opportunity.

These lumi­nous let­ters also serve as an ide­al com­ple­ment to your wed­ding fes­tiv­i­ties. Let our LOVELED sign con­vey the over­ar­ch­ing sen­ti­ment of your day, or con­sid­er show­cas­ing your new­ly shared sur­name, ini­tials, or any per­son­alised mes­sage in radi­ant lights.

With our light-up let­ter rental ser­vice, you have the entire alpha­bet at your dis­pos­al, offer­ing a myr­i­ad of let­ters, num­bers, and hash­tags to choose from. Unleash your cre­ativ­i­ty and make your event tru­ly unique!

Light Up Letter Hire Love
Light Up Letter Hire Mr and Mrs
See More Letters

Spe­cial Effects and Design

Kick off your event with a bang, high­light those piv­otal moments, and con­clude with a spec­tac­u­lar finale using our stun­ning range of spe­cial effects, ensur­ing your event exudes the wow fac­tor from start to finish.

The rental of spe­cial effects equip­ment has the pow­er to trans­form any event, whether indoors or out­doors, infus­ing it with atmos­phere, ener­gy, and excite­ment. Whether it’s a con­fet­ti can­non or a dry ice machine for the mag­i­cal first dance at your wed­ding, indoor stage pyrotech­nics and cold spark machines for dynam­ic gigs, con­fer­ences, and launch par­ties, or even large-scale con­fet­ti, stream­ers, or crowd-thrilling pyrotech­nics for out­door events and fes­ti­vals, we’ve got it all.

Disco Ball

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AKA Party Band at Owlpen Manor October 2021 7
See How We Do Weddings