Silchester Wedding DJ

The ultimate DJ package for your wedding at Silchester Farm. Take your evening party to the next level and put on your comfiest dancing shoes.
Wedding DJ for Hire Gecko Live Entertainment

Your Day Your DJ!

Expe­ri­ence the Silch­ester Wed­ding DJ Pack­age, designed to fill your evening with the lat­est par­ty hits and clas­sic dance floor fillers, ensur­ing an unfor­get­table night. Our pro­fes­sion­al DJs are ver­sa­tile experts who can seam­less­ly nav­i­gate through gen­res, styles, and playlists to curate your ulti­mate wed­ding soundtrack.

With decades of expe­ri­ence, our open-for­mat DJs excel at blend­ing songs and cre­at­ing a bespoke par­ty playlist. Enhanced by vibrant par­ty light­ing and seam­less­ly con­nect­ed to the bespoke in-house sound sys­tem at Silch­ester Far­m’s Cow­shed, you can trust that the music will be per­fect­ly tuned for every cor­ner of the venue, ensur­ing an elec­tri­fy­ing atmos­phere for all to enjoy.

Included With Every DJ
  • Easy plug in system for use with the in house custom sound array
  • Dance floor Lighting - create the perfect ambiance and dancing atmosphere.
  • Experienced open format DJ - mix all your favourite tracks for the ultimate wedding soundtrack.
  • Music library of over 50,000 tracks - Every song from every decade and artist covered!
  • Requests always welcome - making it personal to you and your guests for memories that last.
Silchester Farm Wedding 957

Pho­to cour­tesy of Megan Donati

Silchester Farm DJ Setup Gecko Live Entertainment
Silchester Weddings
Every wedding is unique and different. Our Gecko team are experts in helping you choose the perfect wedding entertainment and creating your ultimate wedding soundtrack.

Your Per­fect Recep­tion DJ

A wed­ding at Silch­ester Farm is an extra­or­di­nary moment, encap­su­lat­ing décor, atmos­phere, food, and love. Yet, many cou­ples over­look the sig­nif­i­cant role enter­tain­ment plays in the day’s cel­e­bra­tions. Select­ing the right sup­pli­er should­n’t be stress­ful, but rather a key ele­ment in turn­ing an excel­lent wed­ding day into an unfor­get­table event cher­ished by you, your fam­i­ly, and friends for years to come!

At Silch­ester Farm, we exclu­sive­ly offer top-tier, tai­lored, and ele­gant mod­ern wed­ding DJ enter­tain­ment. Led by Matt and the Gecko Live Team, we bring over a decade of exper­tise to wed­dings, ensur­ing a pro­fes­sion­al, mod­ern, and non-tacky approach that cap­ti­vates every­one for all the right rea­sons. Ful­ly trained, insured, and styl­ish­ly dressed, our team col­lab­o­rates with you in the months lead­ing up to your event, craft­ing the per­fect lay­out for your music choic­es through per­son­al­ized con­sul­ta­tions and online playlist plan­ners. Your DJ at Silch­ester Farm will curate the ide­al musi­cal ambiance, reflect­ing the atmos­phere and time of the night, along with your unique selections.

Talk To Us About Your Wedding Day

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