Brass Remix

Live Band for Weddings
why hire Brass Remix
  • Electrifying and Unique Sound
  • Inclusive and Diverse Lineup
  • High-Energy and Engaging Performances
  • Versatility for Any Setting
Brass Remix, electrifying brass covers band with a unique sound blending pop, funk, Balkan, Afrobeat, and twisted jazz. From £2495
Current Set List

90's House Medley
Aint No Mountain High Enough
Come and get Your Love
Crazy in Love
Feel for You
I Feel Good
I Like it Like That
Move on Up
Rihanna medley
Sexual Healing
Spottie Ottie Dopalicious
Sweet Dreams
Seven Nation Army
Sweet Like Chocolate
The Preacher
Jungle Boogie
I Feel Like Funkin it Up
My Girl
Next Episode
Shake Your Body
Bourbon Street Parade
Gimmie Some More
Chase The Devil
Bruno Mars Medley
00's House Medley

Frosty the Snowman
Winter Wonderland
Rudolf The Red Nose Raindeer
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Santa Claus is coming to Town
Roaming Wedding Band
Seven Nation Army
Brass Remix Live
Crazy In Love
Brixton Brass - UK Live Band
Live Band for Weddings

Get ready for an elec­tri­fy­ing expe­ri­ence as Brass Remix, a diverse brass cov­ers band, remix­es favorite songs with the ener­gy and piz­zazz of a live Brass Band. Their unique sound blends pop, funk, Balkan, Afrobeat, and twist­ed jazz, show­cas­ing tra­di­tion­al New Orleans-style instru­ments such as trom­bones, trum­pets, sax­o­phones, sousa­phone, and drums.

Com­mit­ted to pro­mot­ing inclu­siv­i­ty, Brass Remix proud­ly holds the title of the UK’s most diverse brass band, fea­tur­ing tal­ent­ed musi­cians from var­i­ous back­grounds and identities.

As favourites on the UK fes­ti­val cir­cuit, Brass Remix is in high demand for pri­vate par­ties. Their pas­sion­ate and vir­tu­osic musi­cians from around the world are renowned for spread­ing smiles and ignit­ing dance moves with their trade­mark high-ener­gy, charis­mat­ic, and exu­ber­ant shows.

With seam­less adapt­abil­i­ty to any event or venue, Brass Remix can per­form as a quin­tet-sized stage band or a 10-piece march­ing band — ide­al for events of all sizes. From large fes­ti­val stages to roam­ing street par­ties, they cap­ti­vate audi­ences with their ver­sa­til­i­ty and draw peo­ple in with their dynam­ic per­for­mances. Book Brass Remix now and get ready to be swept away by their elec­tri­fy­ing music.

Top Tracks
  • Crazy in Love Beyoncé
  • Aint No Mountain High Enough Marvin Gaye
  • Seven Nation Army White Stripes
  • Versatile Line-up
  • Large Song List
  • Noise Limiter Friendly

Brass Remix

Brixton Brass - UK Live Band
Brass Remix, electrifying brass covers band with a unique sound blending pop, funk, Balkan, Afrobeat, and twisted jazz.


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