Brassy Addicts

Roaming Brass Band
why hire Brassy Addicts
  • Unmatched Passion for Music
  • Tailored Performances for Any Venue
  • Extensive Wedding Experience
  • Memorable and Unique Moments
Experience musical passion with Brassy addicts at your wedding. Versatile performances for any venue, from acoustic ceremonies to captivating parties. Magical moments created in diverse settings nationwide. Trust the perfect tone. From £1895
5/6 - Playable with 5 & 6-Piece bands
6 - Playable with 6-Piece band
7/8 - Playable with 7 & 8-Piece bands
A - Playable with any instrumental lineup
V - Including female vocalist

A Little Less Conversation (Elvis Presley) 7/8
A Night In Tunisia (Dizzy Gillespie) 7/8
Ain’t Nobody (Chaka Khan as played by Youngblood Brass Band) A,V
All You Need Is Love (Beatles) 5/6
Atchafalaya (Snarky Puppy) 7/8
At Last (as performed by Etta James) 5/6
Baby I’m A Star (Prince) 5/6
Blackbird Special (The Dirty Dozen Brass Band) 5/6
Black Eye Friday (Brassroots) A
Brass Scene Kids (No BS! Brass Band) 7/8
Can’t Stop The Feeling (Justin Timberlake) 5/6
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You (Andy Williams) 6, 7/8
Cinnamon Girl (No BS! Brass Band) 7/8
Cissy Strutt (The Meters) A
Crazy In Love (Beyonce) A, V
D-Cup (Bass Cadet) 7/8
Do I Do (Stevie Wonder) A
Do Watcha Wanna (Rebirth Brass Band) A
Everlasting Love (Love Affair) 5/6
Express Yourself (Charles Wright) A
Faith (George Michael) A, V
Feels (Calvin Harris/Katie Perry/Pharrell Williams) 5/6
For Once In My Life (Stevie Wonder) 5/6 V
Fourplay (Fred Wesley & the Horny Horns) 7/8
Getting In The Cut (Bass Cadet) 7/8
Get Lucky (Daft Punk as played by The Soul Rebels) A, V
Ghost Town (The Specials) 7/8
Girls & Boys (Blur) A
Girls On Film (Duran Duran) 5/6
Give Me The Night (George Benson as played by Hot 8 Brass Band) A
God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (Coldplay as played by Mark Ronson)
Gospel (From ‘Monsters Inc.’) (March Fourth Brass Band) 7/8
Hallelujah I Love Her So (Ray Charles) 5/6, V
Hallelujah Time (Oscar Peterson) 7/8
Hamp’s Hump (Paul Hampton as played by Lou Donaldson) 7/8
Happy (Pharrell Williams as played by The Soul Rebels) A,V
Happy Together (The Turtles) 7/8, V
Havana (Camila Cabello) 5/6
Here Comes The Bride (Richard Wagner) A
How Deep Is Your Love/Stayin’ Alive – Medley (The Bee Gees) 5/6
I Can’t Feel My Face (The Weekend) 5/6, V
I Feel Like Funkin It Up (Rebirth Brass Band) A
I Got That Feeling (Lowdown Brass Band) 7/8
I Got You (I Feel Good) (James Brown) A, V
I Want You Back (Jackson 5) 5/6
I’m A Believer (The Monkees) 5/6
I’m In The Mood For Love (as played by Lord Tanamo) 5/6
I Want You (Horace Silver) 7/8
Is This Love (Bob Marley) 7/8, V *Only performed with vocalist
Isn’t She Lovely (Stevie Wonder) 5/6, V
Jerky Turkey (Brass Junkies Original) A
Just Kissed My Baby (The Meters) A
Kool (John Scofield) 7/8
Let’s Dance (David Bowie) A, V
Let’s Go Crazy (Prince) A
Let’s Stay Together (Al Green) A, V
Lolita (Prince) 7/8
Love Come Down (Evelyn King) 5/6, V *Only performed with vocalist
Love Never Felt So Good (J Timberlake/M Jackson) 5/6
Mardi Gras In New Orleans (as played by Dirty Dozen Brass Band) A
Montuno Funk (Soulsonics) A
Muppet Show Theme (The Muppets) 7/8
My Time (Soul Rebels Brass Band) 7/8
Never Too Much (Luther Vandross) A, V
No Diggity (Blackstreet) 5/6
Out Of The Red and Into The Black (Youngblood Brass Band) A
Pastime Paradise (Stevie Wonder as played by Youngblood Brass
Band) A, V
Planet Gibbous (Hypnotic Brass Ensemble) A
Raspberry Beret (Prince) 5/6
Return Of The Prodigal Son (as played by Freddie Hubbard) 7/8
Right On (Charles Wright) A
Run Around (No BS! Brass Band) 7/8
September (Earth, Wind & Fire) 5/6
Seven Nation Army (White Stripes) A
Sexual Healing (Marvin Gaye as played by Hot 8 Brass Band) A, V
Shake It Off (Taylor Swift as played by Dirty Catfish Brass Band) A, V
Shut Up And Dance (With Me) (by Walk The Moon) 5/6
Spanish Joint (by D’Angelo as played by The Soul Rebels) 7/8
Spooky (as played by Stanley Turrentine) A, V
SpottieOttieDopaliscious (by Outkast as played by Hypnotic Brass
Ensemble) A
Stayin’ Alive (The Bee Gees) 5/6, V
Superstition feat. Dance Wiv Me/To Be Real (S. Wonder, D. Rascal, C.
Lynn) 5/6, V
Superstition feat. Juice/Dance Wiv Me/To Be Real (S. Wonder, Lizzo,
D. Rascal, C. Lynn) 7/8, V
Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics as played by The Soul Rebels) A, V
Toxic (Britney Spears) A
Turn It Up (No BS! Brass Band) 7/8
Upside Down (Diana Ross) A
Uptown Up (Maceo Parker) 7/8
Waterfalls (TLC) 5/6
When I’m 64 (Beatles) 5/6, V
White Lines (Grandmaster Flash) 6, 7/8
You Can Call Me Al (Paul Simon) 5/6
You Know I’m No Good (Amy Winehouse) A, V
You Know Me (LowDown Brass Band) 7/8
Brassy Addicts - Live music for weddings
Brassy Addicts - Bristol Roaming Band
Live music for weddings
Roaming Wedding Brass Band

Let Brassy Addicts bring the par­ty to life with their unmatched ener­gy and musi­cal flair! Renowned as one of the best par­ty bands, Brassy Addicts are mas­ters of cre­at­ing unfor­get­table expe­ri­ences. Their ver­sa­tile per­for­mances are tai­lored to suit any occa­sion, whether you’re after an acoustic vibe for a wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny, a high-ener­gy live band for wed­dings, or an elec­tri­fy­ing set for your evening cel­e­bra­tions. Whether you need a par­ty band for hire or a dynam­ic band for par­ties, they’ve got you covered.

Brassy Addicts are no strangers to unique and stun­ning venues. They’ve per­formed at wood­land cer­e­monies in Glouces­ter­shire, tipi wed­dings in Wales, and pic­turesque beach cel­e­bra­tions in Devon. From charm­ing town halls in Isling­ton to pres­ti­gious coun­try hous­es and renowned venues nation­wide, their music has set the stage for mag­i­cal mem­o­ries. With or with­out a PA sys­tem, they adapt seam­less­ly to any envi­ron­ment, mak­ing them the ulti­mate choice for band hire for cor­po­rate events or weddings.

Each per­for­mance is infused with pas­sion, tal­ent, and a whole lot of fun. Whether it’s a cor­po­rate event that demands sophis­ti­ca­tion or a wed­ding burst­ing with joy, Brassy Addicts always hit the right note. Their unique abil­i­ty to blend crowd-pleas­ing hits with soul­ful ener­gy makes them one of the top choic­es for bands for par­ties.

Choose Brassy Addicts for an unfor­get­table cel­e­bra­tion. Your guests won’t just remem­ber the music — they’ll be danc­ing to it all night long!

  • Versatile Line-up
  • Perfect for all day entertainment, reception to evening party!
  • Noise Limiter Friendly
Top Songs
  • Do I Do Stevie Wonder
  • Let’s Dance David Bowie
  • Waterfalls TLC

Brassy Addicts

Live Wedding Band - Bristol Brass Band
Experience musical passion with Brassy addicts at your wedding. Versatile performances for any venue, from acoustic ceremonies to captivating parties. Magical moments created in diverse settings nationwide. Trust the perfect tone.


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