
why hire Casino
  • All the fun without the risk
  • Fully manned with professional croupiers
  • Pro tables, chips and dice
  • Customisable fun money
Professional croupiers and full Casino Tables. One of the most engaging and interactive elements for any party. From £1295
Roulette Wheel - Wedding Entertainment
Cards - Wedding Entertainment
Wedding Entertainment
Wedding Entertainment
Texas Hold 'Em

Plan­ning a mem­o­rable cor­po­rate event involves metic­u­lous atten­tion to detail, ensur­ing that every aspect con­tributes to a suc­cess­ful and enjoy­able expe­ri­ence for your guests. One way to raise the stakes and infuse excite­ment into your gath­er­ing is by incor­po­rat­ing casi­no hire. It’s an enter­tain­ing and inter­ac­tive addi­tion that can trans­form your event into a night to remember.

Why Casi­no Hire for Cor­po­rate Events?

  • Enter­tain­ment with a Twist

Casi­no hire offers a unique form of enter­tain­ment that stands out from the typ­i­cal cor­po­rate event activ­i­ties. It allows your guests to engage in friend­ly com­pe­ti­tion, pro­vid­ing a refresh­ing change from the stan­dard net­work­ing and presentations.

  • Bond­ing and Networking

Casi­no tables encour­age inter­ac­tion among atten­dees, fos­ter­ing a relaxed atmos­phere for net­work­ing and team-build­ing. Whether it’s a friend­ly pok­er game or a thrilling round of black­jack, the shared expe­ri­ence at the casi­no tables sparks con­ver­sa­tions and connections.

  • Inclu­sive Fun

Casi­no games are acces­si­ble to peo­ple of all skill lev­els, mak­ing them inclu­sive and enjoy­able for every­one. Your col­leagues and clients don’t need to be pro­fes­sion­al gam­blers to have a blast try­ing their luck.

Cus­tomize the casi­no tables and play­ing cards with your com­pa­ny’s brand­ing and logo. This not only rein­forces your brand iden­ti­ty but also cre­ates mem­o­rable sou­venirs for your guests.

Pop­u­lar Casi­no Games for Cor­po­rate Events

  • Black­jack: A clas­sic card game that’s easy to learn and offers plen­ty of strate­gic depth.

  • Pok­er: Engage your guests in Texas Hold’em or oth­er pok­er vari­ants for an evening of skill and suspense.

  • Roulette: The icon­ic spin­ning wheel and col­or­ful bet­ting board cre­ate an excit­ing atmosphere.

  • Craps: With its live­ly ener­gy and dice-rolling action, craps is always a hit.

Plan­ning Your Casi­no Hire

  • Deter­mine the space: Allo­cate an area for the casi­no tables and cre­ate a casi­no-like ambiance with décor and lighting.

  • Pro­fes­sion­al deal­ers: Hire expe­ri­enced deal­ers who can explain the rules, main­tain the flow of the game, and keep the ener­gy high.

  • Prizes and awards: Con­sid­er offer­ing prizes or awards for the top play­ers to add extra moti­va­tion and excitement.

  • Event dura­tion: Decide how long you want the casi­no hire to be avail­able dur­ing your event. It can be the main attrac­tion or a part of the enter­tain­ment lineup.

Casi­no hire for cor­po­rate events adds a touch of glam­our and excite­ment that sets your gath­er­ing apart. It’s an excel­lent way to enter­tain your guests, pro­mote net­work­ing, and cre­ate mem­o­rable expe­ri­ences that leave a last­ing impres­sion. Con­sid­er incor­po­rat­ing casi­no tables into your next cor­po­rate event, and watch as your col­leagues and clients roll the dice and bet on a night of unfor­get­table fun.

Table Options
  • Black Jack Play against the dealer
  • Roulette The big wheel
  • Texas Hold 'Em Variation on classic poker
  • Craps Bet the dice roll against each other players
  • Money Wheel Bet your chips against sections of the wheel
  • Stud Poker 5 cards dealt to each player
  • Fun Money
  • Professionally Trained Croupiers
  • Delivery, Collection and Operation
  • No maximum or minimum table limit


Wedding entertainment
Professional croupiers and full Casino Tables. One of the most engaging and interactive elements for any party.


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