DJ Chloe

DJ Chloe Cafe Del Mar Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire DJ Chloe
  • One of London's most sought-after female DJs
  • Experienced in all styles of music, from disco, funk, soul, garage, and dance to house classics
  • Party Lighting & Sound System
  • Bespoke Sets & Mixes
Versatile DJ, captivating audiences with diverse, vibrant sets From £895
DJ Chloe Ibiza DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
A highly in-demand Female DJ
DJ Chloe Corporate Event DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
The Ultimate DJ for Corporate Events
DJ Chloe Wedding DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
The Perfect DJ for Unforgettable Weddings

Chloe’s jour­ney in the music indus­try has been noth­ing short of extra­or­di­nary, with her excep­tion­al pre­sent­ing skills and diverse musi­cal taste mak­ing her a stand­out fig­ure. Over the years, Chloe has built a loy­al fol­low­ing dur­ing her time on var­i­ous radio sta­tions, and her rep­u­ta­tion solid­i­fied through unfor­get­table per­for­mances across Lon­don and Ibiza. She’s graced the stage along­side world-renowned DJs and pro­duc­ers at icon­ic venues like Min­istry of Sound, Egg, Fab­ric, and Pacha, mak­ing her a true leg­end in the scene.

As a DJ for hire, Chloe is known for her ver­sa­til­i­ty, seam­less­ly blend­ing gen­res to cre­ate the per­fect atmos­phere, whether it’s a large-scale fes­ti­val or an inti­mate DJ for cor­po­rate events. She’s col­lab­o­rat­ed with pres­ti­gious brands like Porsche, BMW, Carls­berg, and Smirnoff and per­formed at renowned events such as the Good­wood Fes­ti­val of Speed, Ascot, Read­ing and Lat­i­tude Fes­ti­val, and Secret Gar­den Party.

Chloe’s pres­ence is also felt in the vibrant Lon­don hos­pi­tal­i­ty scene, with res­i­den­cies at hotspots like Chot­to Mat­te, Roka, Lucky Cat, Gor­don Ram­say, The Shard, W Hotel, May­fair Hotel, Claridge’s, The Dorch­ester, and Soho House. These res­i­den­cies have made her a fix­ture in the city’s music scene, offer­ing a mix of back­ground music for high-end wed­ding DJ ser­vices in Lon­don, cor­po­rate func­tions, and pri­vate par­ties. Her vast musi­cal range spans every­thing from chill-out, deep house, jazz, dis­co, funk, soul, garage, to house classics.

Look­ing for the per­fect DJ for a wed­ding or to hire a DJ for a par­ty? Chloe knows how to set the mood, from chilled vibes at a drinks recep­tion to cre­at­ing an elec­tric atmos­phere on the dance floor. Whether you’re host­ing an event for a celebri­ty or a cor­po­rate gath­er­ing, Chloe’s exper­tise and vast music library will ele­vate any occa­sion. With Chloe, every event is an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence. Hire a DJ for a par­ty, and let her bring the beats!

The Perfect Upgrades with DJ Chloe
  • DJ Chloe with Live Sax
  • DJ Chloe with Live Percussion
  • DJ Chloe with Live Sax & Percussion

DJ Chloe

DJ Chloe Female DJ For Hire
Versatile DJ, captivating audiences with diverse, vibrant sets


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