DJ Cross

DJ Cross Live London Corporate DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire DJ Cross
  • Expert corporate and hospitality DJ
  • UK and Destination Events
  • Luxury wedding experience
DJ Cross, a London nightlife staple, DJs at top venues and has opened for The Prodigy, showcasing his versatile musical talent. From £1495

Look­ing for the ulti­mate DJ for your wed­ding or spe­cial event? Meet DJ Cross, a sta­ple of London’s nightlife with a résumé that includes res­i­den­cies at icon­ic venues like Pacha, Fab­ric, XOYO, and The Big Chill House. Whether you’re search­ing for a wed­ding DJ near me or the per­fect local DJ for hire to ele­vate your par­ty, DJ Cross is the one to bring the ener­gy and excitement!

With a track record that includes open­ing for The Prodi­gy at their sold-out Alexan­dra Palace gig and warm­ing up for big names like Under­world, Base­ment Jaxx, and Skep­ta, DJ Cross knows how to work a crowd. His sets are ver­sa­tile, effort­less­ly blend­ing gen­res from extend­ed Funk & Soul to House, Garage, Dis­co, and more, ensur­ing your dance floor stays packed all night.

Beyond the club scene, DJ Cross is also a skilled turntab­list, known for live per­for­mances where he manip­u­lates sound­tracks with pre­ci­sion using scratch­ing and sam­pling. His abil­i­ty to craft unique, seam­less mix­es makes him an excel­lent choice whether you’re plan­ning a wed­ding, cor­po­rate event, or look­ing to hire a DJ for a par­ty that will leave guests buzzing.

From inti­mate gath­er­ings to large-scale cel­e­bra­tions, DJ Cross deliv­ers a pro­fes­sion­al, high-ener­gy expe­ri­ence that’s sure to make your event unfor­get­table. So, if you’re look­ing for a local DJ for hire who brings exper­tise, ver­sa­til­i­ty, and a play­ful yet pol­ished style to every gig, DJ Cross is your go-to.

Ready to take your par­ty or wed­ding to the next lev­el? Book DJ Cross today and let the music set the per­fect vibe!

Previous Clients
  • Nike
  • Unicef
  • Google
  • Adidas
  • House of Fraser

DJ Cross

DJ Cross Live London Corporate DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
DJ Cross, a London nightlife staple, DJs at top venues and has opened for The Prodigy, showcasing his versatile musical talent.


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