DJ Cross

DJ Cross Live London Corporate DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire DJ Cross
  • Expert corporate and hospitality DJ
  • UK and Destination Events
  • Luxury wedding experience
DJ Cross, a London nightlife staple, DJs at top venues and has opened for The Prodigy, showcasing his versatile musical talent. From £1495

DJ Cross is a cor­ner­stone of the Lon­don nightlife scene, with past res­i­den­cies at renowned venues like Pacha, Fab­ric, XOYO, Archer Street, Car­go, and his cur­rent spots at the Queen of Hox­ton, The Book Club, Hox­ton Square Bar & Kitchen, and The Big Chill House in Kings Cross.

Notably, The Prodi­gy select­ed him to open their end-of-tour gig at a sold-out Alexan­dra Palace in Lon­don. He has also warmed up for major acts like Under­world, Base­ment Jaxx, Skep­ta, DJ Yoda, Skream, and Joy Orbison.

DJ Cross is ver­sa­tile in his musi­cal offer­ings, seam­less­ly tran­si­tion­ing from extend­ed Funk & Soul sets to House, Garage, or Dis­co. He’s also a skilled turntab­list, per­form­ing in numer­ous Lon­don the­atre pro­duc­tions, where he manip­u­lates sound­tracks live using sam­pling and scratching.

Previous Clients
  • Nike
  • Unicef
  • Google
  • Adidas
  • House of Fraser

DJ Cross

DJ Cross Live London Corporate DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
DJ Cross, a London nightlife staple, DJs at top venues and has opened for The Prodigy, showcasing his versatile musical talent.


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