DJ Ffion

DJ Ffion Berkshire Event DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire DJ Ffion
  • Experienced in all styles of music
  • Party Lighting
  • Sound System
  • Library of over 150,000 tracks
  • Advanced Mobile DJ Controller
Berkshire based DJ Ffion comes ready to party with her brilliant song mixing and ability to craft together stunning DJ sets. Available for Weddings and Corporate Events Ffion is a must for all evening parties. From £695

Ffion is undoubt­ed­ly a top choice when you’re look­ing for a DJ for hire, cel­e­brat­ed for her excep­tion­al tal­ent and play­ful ener­gy on the decks. She’s the go-to DJ for wed­dings, par­ties, and cor­po­rate events, bring­ing ver­sa­til­i­ty and a unique abil­i­ty to keep every dance floor alive. Ffion has a gift for col­lab­o­rat­ing with your band of choice or even solo, ensur­ing a seam­less musi­cal expe­ri­ence that per­fect­ly match­es your event’s vibe and vision.

What makes Ffion stand out? It’s her ded­i­ca­tion to craft­ing the per­fect playlist, tai­lored pre­cise­ly to your and your guests’ pref­er­ences. With her mag­i­cal touch, she weaves in spe­cial requests, effort­less­ly bring­ing your favorite songs and musi­cal styles to the fore­front. Whether you want clas­sic hits, trend­ing anthems, or a mix of gen­res, Ffion cre­ates an unfor­get­table sound­track for any occasion.

Ful­ly equipped and ready to go, Ffion brings top-tier equip­ment, includ­ing a high-qual­i­ty sound sys­tem, vibrant par­ty light­ing, an exten­sive music library of over 150,000 tracks, and a sleek DJ booth. So, if you’re plan­ning to hire a DJ for a par­ty, a cor­po­rate event, or a wed­ding, you can rest assured that Ffion’s set­up will make your event not only sound excep­tion­al but look amaz­ing, too. Her com­mit­ment to cre­at­ing a mag­i­cal atmos­phere guar­an­tees a cel­e­bra­tion filled with music, joy, and a dance floor that’s packed from start to finish.

From inti­mate gath­er­ings to large cor­po­rate events, Ffion’s infec­tious ener­gy and skilled setlists make her the ulti­mate DJ for par­ties, wed­dings, and every­thing in between. When it’s time to hire a DJ who can bring your event to life, trust Ffion to deliv­er an extra­or­di­nary expe­ri­ence that every­one will remember.

What's Included?
  • Sound System
  • DJ Booth
  • Party Lighting with moving heads
  • Complete Music Library
Make It Extra Special
  • Make it a full Silent Disco Package with up to 200 wireless headsets
  • Add a sax player for that Ibiza club experience
  • Add an early arrival so Ffion is set and ready to go right from the start with minimal set up time
  • Enhance your venue with a complete uplighting package

DJ Ffion

DJ Ffion Berkshire Event DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
Berkshire based DJ Ffion comes ready to party with her brilliant song mixing and ability to craft together stunning DJ sets. Available for Weddings and Corporate Events Ffion is a must for all evening parties.


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