DJ George

DJ George London Event DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire DJ George
  • Experienced in all styles of music
  • London based
London Party and Events DJ George specialises in cool corporate events and luxury celebrations. From £1220

Meet the mav­er­ick rene­gade DJ, George, a true leg­end of the turnta­bles who’s been ignit­ing dance floors for over a decade. George’s musi­cal prowess knows no bounds; he’s a genre-bend­ing vir­tu­oso who can seam­less­ly spin pret­ty much every musi­cal style under the sun. His eclec­tic jour­ney has seen him deliv­er elec­tri­fy­ing Drum & Bass along­side Shy FX, mas­ter­ful Hip Hop sets before DJ Yoda, groove to bub­blin’ Garage with DJ EZ, and engage in reg­u­lar tear-out mashups with his old friend Jaguar Skills.

George’s dynam­ic style of mul­ti-genre mix­ing has cat­a­pult­ed him to stages in icon­ic loca­tions like Ibiza, Cor­fu, Ire­land, and var­i­ous fes­ti­vals across the UK, includ­ing Sound­clash and Bliss­fields. He’s also held down res­i­den­cies in some of the hottest nightlife spots in Southamp­ton, Brighton, and London.

With an uncan­ny abil­i­ty to read a crowd, George’s sets are noth­ing short of extra­or­di­nary. They’re char­ac­ter­ized by their spon­tane­ity, packed with laugh­ter, and charged with an infec­tious ener­gy that will have you both smil­ing and skank­ing simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. When DJ George is in con­trol, expect a musi­cal jour­ney like no oth­er, where the unex­pect­ed is the only con­stant, and the dance floor is where mem­o­ries are made.

  • Extremely experienced with all music styles
  • Sax add-on available
  • One of the UK's Top event DJs

DJ George

DJ George London Event DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
London Party and Events DJ George specialises in cool corporate events and luxury celebrations.


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