DJ Jimi

DJ Jimi London Event DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire DJ Jimi
  • Genre Mastery
  • Dynamic Performances
  • Exceptional Craftsmanship
Jimi, rooted in hip hop and funk, crafts dynamic DJ sets with intricate scratching, diverse remixes, and genre-spanning mixtapes for lively parties. From £1220

Jimi is the DJ for hire who brings seri­ous fla­vor to any event! With musi­cal roots steeped in hip-hop, soul, and funk, Jimi’s sets are where old-school cool meets cut­ting-edge cre­ativ­i­ty. Whether you’re plan­ning a wed­ding, look­ing to hire a DJ for a par­ty, or need a DJ for cor­po­rate events, Jimi’s unique style is sure to make your occa­sion unfor­get­table.

When Jimi takes con­trol of the turnta­bles, it’s not just about spin­ning tracks; it’s a per­for­mance. He seam­less­ly blends pre­cise scratch­ing with bass and breaks, deliv­er­ing his sig­na­ture do-it-your­self remix­es and inven­tive cut-and-paste tech­niques. Each set ven­tures across gen­res, cre­at­ing a live sound­track that has some­thing for every­one, from retro clas­sics to today’s top hits. Jimi is known for pay­ing homage to old-school DJ tech­niques while weav­ing in retro gems, set­ting a play­ful yet pro­fes­sion­al vibe that’s per­fect for any event.

Jimi’s rep­u­ta­tion pre­cedes him, thanks to his genre-span­ning par­ty mix­tapes, fes­ti­val appear­ances, and an impres­sive line­up of bootlegs and orig­i­nal pro­duc­tions fea­tured on top labels like Swing & Bass, Thick Boy Records, Beat­ing Heart, and Jun­gle Strikes. He’s a go-to DJ for wed­dings where cou­ples want a bit of funk on their spe­cial day, as well as a DJ for cor­po­rate events seek­ing an engag­ing, fresh vibe that still feels pol­ished.

So, when you’re ready to hire a DJ for a par­ty, cor­po­rate gath­er­ing, or wed­ding, Jimi is the tal­ent that brings ener­gy, exper­tise, and a fresh take on time­less clas­sics. With Jimi on the decks, you’re not just hir­ing a DJ for par­ties, you’re set­ting up a musi­cal jour­ney your guests won’t forget.

  • Complete open-format
  • Digital and Vinyl DJ
  • Available with live musicians
  • Corporate Event Specialist
  • Custom Mixtapes
  • Festival Experience Glastonbury, Shambala, Boomtown, Boardmasters,
  • DJ Collaborations DJ Ratzi, Mr Switch

DJ Jimi

DJ Jimi Bristol and London Event DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
Jimi, rooted in hip hop and funk, crafts dynamic DJ sets with intricate scratching, diverse remixes, and genre-spanning mixtapes for lively parties.


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