Glitter Face Painting

Glitter Face Painting for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Glitter Face Painting
  • Not just for kids
  • Walk about with guests
  • Glitter painting stations
Face painting isn't just for kids; glitter face painting adds brilliance to all ages! From £345
Live Glitter Face Painting Gecko Live Entertainment
Glittery Face Painting Gecko Live Entertainment
Glitter Face Painting Hire Gecko Live Entertainment
Glitter Face Painting for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
Glitter Face Painting Gecko Live Entertainment
Adult Glitter Face Painting Gecko Live Entertainment

The allure of our unique and exquis­ite art­work inevitably cap­tured the atten­tion of adults and the cor­po­rate sphere, recog­nis­ing the fan­tas­tic and thrilling dimen­sion that glit­ter face paint­ing adds to any event.

Root­ed in a back­ground of fash­ion design at Cen­tral Saint Mar­tins, our arists pos­sess the abil­i­ty to spon­ta­neous­ly cre­ate art, con­sis­tent­ly fash­ion­ing beau­ti­ful embell­ish­ments inspired unique­ly by each indi­vid­ual. This ensures our work remains fresh, ever-evolv­ing, and vibrant.

Our team com­pris­es excep­tion­al­ly tal­ent­ed and expe­ri­enced face paint and fes­ti­val glit­ter artists who seam­less­ly col­lab­o­rate at every event, ensur­ing each guest feels tru­ly spe­cial. Years of hon­ing an instinc­tive grasp of colour, shape, and aes­thet­ics, cou­pled with speed and pre­ci­sion, guar­an­tee the impec­ca­ble deliv­ery of every event, con­sis­tent­ly sur­pass­ing expectations.

We exclu­sive­ly use high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts, and our lux­u­ri­ous hypoal­ler­genic glit­ter gel, hand­made with care, suits most skin types. This inge­nious gel ensures the glit­ter adheres to your skin, leav­ing your clothes, venue, and the envi­ron­ment free from glit­tery residue.

How It Works
  • Each artist can adorn approx 14 people
  • Minimum booking of 2 hours per artist
  • To avoid any disappointment and delays on the day, we recommend planning for the maximum number of guests that may want to have their faces painted, including any event organisers, and other artists and allowing for a few additional faces.
  • If your event takes place outdoors, please ensure there's a covered area for our artists to work under.
  • "Thank you so much for today. The kids had the best time and the parents couldn’t stop commenting on how amazing the face painting was. Most of all, our client was delighted"
    — Event Supplier
  • "glitz and glam"
    — Private Event
  • "I just wanted to say Wow! The designs are so artistic and feminine and each design matches our outfits! It’s so clever!! I have taken so many selfies... What a lovely talent to have. My friends have taken your details too. I’ll definitely be calling you for my 50th - I can’t wait!"
    — Party Goer
  • "You guys rocked our client’s annual staff party event. Amazing results – the glitz and glam was on point and each member of the super-talented team was polite, astute & worked at astonishing speed. We have the team pencilled in for the same event next year!""
    — Private Event

Glitter Face Painting

Glittery Face Painting Gecko Live Entertainment
Face painting isn't just for kids; glitter face painting adds brilliance to all ages!


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