Guitar and Sax Duo

Guitar and Sax Duo Wedding Jazz Entertainment Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Guitar and Sax Duo
  • Battery Amplification
  • Compact set up
  • Perfect for smaller venues
  • Jazz and Pop Repertoire
One of the best wedding ceremony and drinks reception entertainment options. From £895
Jazz and Pop Showreel

Look­ing to add an unfor­get­table musi­cal touch to your spe­cial day? The Sax & Gui­tar Duo is a top choice, blend­ing clas­sic charm with con­tem­po­rary hits to cre­ate a live­ly and sophis­ti­cat­ed atmos­phere. From time­less tunes to mod­ern favorites like Justin Bieber, Ed Sheer­an, and Rihan­na, this dynam­ic duo promis­es to delight every guest at your event. Plus, if you’re plan­ning a fes­tive cel­e­bra­tion, they’ve got a fan­tas­tic Christ­mas reper­toire that’s per­fect for sea­son­al par­ties.

Whether you’re search­ing for a sax play­er at wed­ding events or tal­ent­ed wed­ding gui­tarists, this duo has you cov­ered. They’ll per­form up to two hours over a three-hour peri­od, mak­ing them an ide­al choice for wed­ding cer­e­monies, drinks recep­tions, wed­ding break­fasts, or stand-up recep­tions. Pic­ture their smooth melodies accom­pa­ny­ing your walk down the aisle or adding an ele­gant ambiance to your cock­tail hour.

With a com­pact, dis­creet bat­tery ampli­fi­er, this pair can per­form indoors or out­doors, seam­less­ly mov­ing with you and your guests through­out your venue. Look­ing to hire a sax play­er who can ele­vate your event with excep­tion­al skill and flair? Or per­haps you’re search­ing for a ver­sa­tile sax­o­phon­ist for hire to cre­ate the per­fect back­drop for your big day. Either way, this tal­ent­ed duo is here to make your event tru­ly unfor­get­table.

Don’t miss out on the chance to hire an act that will have every­one talk­ing long after the par­ty ends. Whether it’s their smooth sax­o­phone solos or soul­ful gui­tar strum­ming, this dynam­ic team brings the per­fect har­mo­ny of play­ful­ness and pro­fes­sion­al­ism to any occa­sion. Sax play­er for hire? Wed­ding gui­tarists? Look no fur­ther — The Sax & Gui­tar Duo is your ulti­mate musi­cal dream team!

  • Battery powered amplification
  • Seasoned Saxophone Player
  • Sound restriction friendly
Top Tracks
  • Shape Of You Ed Sheeran
  • All Of Me John Legend
  • Summertime Louis Armstrong
Performer Options
  • Duo Guitar & Sax
  • Additional Performers Available Enquire For More Details

Guitar and Sax Duo

Guitar and Sax Duo Wedding Jazz Entertainment Gecko Live Entertainment
One of the best wedding ceremony and drinks reception entertainment options.


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