Living Hedges

why hire Living Hedges
  • Interactive entertainment
  • Living statues
  • Perfect for garden parties
  • Brilliantly funny and a guaranteed hit
From £950
Living Topiary Hugs Lady
Living Topiary Hugs Man
Living Topiary Hair Dressers
Living Hedges Fulham Palace 3 Gecko Live Entertainment
Living Hedges Fulham Palace 1 Gecko Live Entertainment
Living Hedges Double Hug Gecko Live Entertainment
Living Hedges Christmas Hedges High Five Gecko Live Entertainment
Living Hedges Christmas Hedges at Westfield Gecko Live Entertainment

Look­ing for an act that will turn heads, spark laugh­ter, and add a touch of mag­ic to your event? Meet the human hedge for hire - the most orig­i­nal and fab­u­lous walk­a­bout human stat­ues in the business!

Straight out of a fairy tale, these live­ly leafy char­ac­ters don’t just stand still — they walk, talk, hug, and cre­ate unfor­get­table moments wher­ev­er they appear. Whether blend­ing seam­less­ly into the sur­round­ings or sur­pris­ing guests with a sud­den burst of move­ment, they’re the per­fect mix of mys­tery and mischief.

As a meet-and-greet act, they wel­come guests with a charm­ing tree hug before escort­ing them into the fun. They can also wan­der around, min­gling with the crowd, bring­ing nature to life in the most unex­pect­ed ways!

Want to add a spe­cial touch? These human stat­ue per­form­ers can be acces­sorized to match your event’s theme — think twin­kling fairy lights at Christ­mas or flo­ral gar­lands for a spring­time cel­e­bra­tion. No mat­ter the occa­sion, they’ll plant the seeds for a mem­o­rable experience.

Per­fect for gar­den par­ties, flower shows, Alice in Won­der­land-themed events, quirky gath­er­ings, eco-friend­ly cel­e­bra­tions, or any event look­ing for some­thing tru­ly unique!

Avail­able in pairs or up to a group of four, our human stat­ues are ready to bring fun, sur­prise, and plen­ty of leafy laugh­ter to your event.

Book them now and watch your event come to life, one leaf at a time!

Previous Clients
  • Nokia
  • Wembley Stadium
  • Toyota
  • Bloomberg
  • Hampton Court Flower Show
  • Singapore Grand Prix
  • Virgin Atlantic
  • Many many more.....
  • "My dad mentioned how good he thought the hotel’s human-shaped hedge was, the next thing he knew, it was sitting on his knee!"
    — Private Client
  • "Brilliant as always, we love working with you guys"
    — Virgin Atlantic
  • "My three-year-old calls you 'My Walking Trees' so clearly you've been adopted, thanks again!"
    — Law Society
  • "You were the highlight of the night and everyone is talking about you! We particularly loved that you had your picture taken in the photo booth! Thanks for entering into the spirit of the night!"
    — Private Client
  • "Thank you! You were both brilliant and I’ll definitely try and squeeze you into our next event!"
    — Nokia

Living Hedges

Living Hedges Fulham Palace 1 Gecko Live Entertainment


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