Santorini DJ Live

Santorini DJ Live SAX Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Santorini DJ Live
  • Dynamic live entertainment
  • Versatile musical lineup
  • Energetic dancefloor fillers
  • Unforgettable event experience
A dynamic fusion of DJs, singers, sax, percussion, and violin, delivering unforgettable performances for weddings and corporate events. From £4995
Funk Medley
Pop Medley
Dance Medley
Santorini Showband - Destination Wedding Band - Gecko Live Entertainment

Get ready for an unfor­get­table musi­cal jour­ney with San­tori­ni DJ Live, the ulti­mate live enter­tain­ment expe­ri­ence for wed­dings and cor­po­rate events. With a fusion of DJs, live singers, sax­o­phon­ists, per­cus­sion­ists, and vio­lin­ists, San­tori­ni DJ Live deliv­ers a dynam­ic per­for­mance that excedes all expectations.

Fea­tur­ing a team of tal­ent­ed and expe­ri­enced musi­cians, San­tori­ni DJ Live com­bines the ener­gy and excite­ment of a live band with the ver­sa­til­i­ty and seam­less tran­si­tions of a DJ set. Whether you’re walk­ing down the aisle or cel­e­brat­ing a mile­stone achieve­ment, our ver­sa­tile line­up cre­ates the per­fect ambiance for any occasion.

From soul­ful vocals to ener­getic sax­o­phone solos and rhyth­mic per­cus­sion beats, each per­for­mance is craft­ed to cap­ti­vate audi­ences and keep the dance floor packed all night long. Their diverse reper­toire spans gen­res and eras, ensur­ing there’s some­thing for every­one to enjoy.

With years of expe­ri­ence per­form­ing at wed­dings, cor­po­rate events, and pri­vate par­ties, San­tori­ni DJ Live under­stands the impor­tance of cre­at­ing mem­o­rable expe­ri­ences for clients and their guests. Let us bring your event to life with our unpar­al­leled tal­ent, pro­fes­sion­al­ism, and pas­sion for music.

Line Up Options
  • 5 Piece DJ Live 2 x Vocal + Guitar + DJ + Sax
  • 6 Piece DJ Live 2 x Vocal + Guitar + DJ + Sax + Trumpet OR Violin
  • 7 Piece DJ Live 2 x Vocal + Guitar + DJ + Sax + Violin + Percussion
  • 8 Piece DJ Live 3 x Vocal + Guitar + DJ + Sax + Violin + Percussion
  • 9 Piece DJ Live 4 x Vocal + Guitar + DJ + Sax + Violin + Percussion

Santorini DJ Live

Santorini DJ L Ive PERCUSSION Gecko Live Entertainment
A dynamic fusion of DJs, singers, sax, percussion, and violin, delivering unforgettable performances for weddings and corporate events.


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