Solo Sax Nick

Solo Saxophonist Nick Sax Player For Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Solo Sax Nick
  • High-Quality Performance
  • Extensive Experience
  • Versatile Repertoire
  • Compact Setup
One of London's most in demand sax players. From £545
Solo Saxophonist Nick Sax Player For Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment
Solo Saxophonist Nick Sax Player For Hire London Gecko Live Entertainment
Solo Saxophonist Nick Sax Player For Hire Gecko Live Entertainment

Look­ing for a sax­o­phone play­er for hire near you who can bring vibrant ener­gy and ele­gance to your spe­cial event? Meet Nick, a high­ly tal­ent­ed sax­o­phon­ist with over 15 years of expe­ri­ence turn­ing wed­dings, par­ties, and cor­po­rate events into unfor­get­table celebrations.

Nick per­forms solo with cus­tom-made back­ing tracks, record­ed by top-tier ses­sion musi­cians, deliv­er­ing the rich, dynam­ic feel of a live band with­out the need for a full ensem­ble. It’s the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of qual­i­ty and afford­abil­i­ty, mak­ing Nick an excel­lent choice for lux­u­ry venues and inti­mate gath­er­ings alike.

Whether you’re search­ing for the per­fect sax­o­phone play­er for a wed­ding, a par­ty show­stop­per, or some­one to add flair to a busi­ness func­tion, Nick’s pro­fes­sion­al­ism and seam­less ser­vice ensure your event will be stress-free and spec­tac­u­lar. He’s hap­py to take song requests, tai­lor­ing his setlist to match the atmos­phere you envi­sion, from roman­tic bal­lads to upbeat dance hits.

Nick has per­formed at hun­dreds of wed­dings and events across the South of Eng­land, cap­ti­vat­ing guests with his soul­ful melodies and ener­getic per­for­mances. And if you’re plan­ning some­thing far­ther afield? Nick is hap­py to trav­el to make your day extra special.

Look­ing to hire a sax play­er for cor­po­rate events? Nick’s pol­ished and ver­sa­tile style makes him an excel­lent choice, leav­ing your clients and col­leagues thor­ough­ly impressed. Or per­haps you need a sax play­er for hire to ele­vate a pri­vate cel­e­bra­tion or fes­ti­val? What­ev­er the occa­sion, Nick deliv­ers every time with charis­ma and a flaw­less sound.

Ready to cre­ate an unfor­get­table musi­cal expe­ri­ence? Con­tact Nick today to book a per­for­mance that will leave your guests talk­ing long after the last note.

  • "Nick was amazing from start to finish! He even learnt a few extras that we had specially requested like the nodding dog! On the day of the party, Nick arrived in plenty of time and was flexible in fitting his sets around other parts of the party, so that everybody could enjoy his music properly. Nick joined right in with the party vibe and really made the night. Every single guest mentioned how much they had enjoyed hearing him play. I would 100% recommend him!"
    — Rebecca, 2024
  • "We had Nick playing sax at the drinks and canapés part of my son’s wedding at Nonsuch House. He was amazing. The selection of music was perfect and background feel of the music during all the chat that was going on was great. Throughly recommend Nick. You couldn’t do any better and the music was great!"
    — David, 2024
  • "Nick played a saxophone solo set at our wedding last year. He was extremely punctual and had created a fab mix of songs including some of my own requests. This included Vanessa Carlton’s A Thousand Miles which we particularly enjoyed as this is one I love to play on the piano. His whole set helped create the perfect ambiance that we had hoped for. Nick went down extremely well with our guests as well and everyone said how friendly he was on top of being a superb saxophonist! I would highly recommend Nick to play at a wedding or any sort of celebration you may be hosting."
    — Georgia, 2023
  • "On 20th July this year Nick provided the music for our West Sussex Golf Club Summer BarBQ and Party, and he really made the whole thing go with a swing. At the start he played some well-known ballads as background music to the meal, and then followed up with some more jazzy numbers which persuaded a good number of guests to dance. His expert solo sax had excellent backing from his own sound system and speakers, and he played almost non-stop from about 2pm to 5pm. Great music beautifully played - thank you Nick!"
    — Anthony, 2023

Solo Sax Nick

Solo Sax P Layer Nick Gecko Live Entertainment
One of London's most in demand sax players.


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