09 May, 2023

Essential Tips for Choosing Your Wedding Rings

Your wedding ring, the item from your big day that will stay with you every day, deserves careful selection. Discover everything you should know when buying your wedding rings.
Essential tips for purchasing wedding rings

Your wed­ding ring is a last­ing sym­bol of your spe­cial day so it’s vital to choose a style you adore and one that aligns with your lifestyle. This deci­sion involves sev­er­al con­sid­er­a­tions. Here’s a com­pre­hen­sive guide cov­er­ing every­thing you need to know when buy­ing your wed­ding rings.

Select­ing the Right Size and Ensur­ing Comfort

Start by get­ting your fin­ger pro­fes­sion­al­ly mea­sured, espe­cial­ly if you’re not used to wear­ing jew­ellery. Keep in mind that your fin­ger size may change, so con­sid­er this when choos­ing the ide­al fit. A ring that’s too tight can be uncom­fort­able for all-day wear, while a loose one might feel inse­cure. Rings with a slight inter­nal curve, rather than a flat sur­face, can enhance com­fort by reduc­ing con­tact with the skin.

Choos­ing the Suit­able Metal

If you have an engage­ment ring, opt for the same met­al to avoid excess wear. For stand­alone wear, choose the met­al that suits your taste. 

  • Plat­inum is the hard­est-wear­ing, heav­i­est and the purest pre­cious white met­al. Pal­la­di­um is a great cost-effec­tive alter­na­tive if plat­inum seems too much for your budget.
  • If you are con­sid­er­ing a gold ring then 18ct gold is the prefer­able option when con­sid­ered against 9ct gold. 

  • White gold has a slight­ly yel­low hue, with most pieces of white gold jew­ellery plat­ed with rhodi­um as a sur­face fin­ish to give a bright white pol­ished finish.

  • Tita­ni­um is a great choice if you don’t like wear­ing jew­ellery. It’s very light­weight and can incor­po­rate more pre­cious met­als while main­tain­ing affordability.

Ensur­ing Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with Your Engage­ment Ring

In addi­tion to match­ing met­als, aim to coor­di­nate the depth of your wed­ding ring with your engage­ment ring to avoid notice­able dif­fer­ences or steps. Keep the pro­file or shape of the wed­ding ring as sim­i­lar as pos­si­ble to the engage­ment ring for a har­mo­nious look when worn together.

Con­sid­er Your Wed­ding Timeline

Most peo­ple start shop­ping for wed­ding rings about 2 – 3 months before the wed­ding. Stan­dard rings made to order typ­i­cal­ly take 3 – 5 weeks. Bespoke rings, designed to your spec­i­fi­ca­tions, may take 4 – 8 weeks after final­iz­ing the design. Always try on your rings upon col­lec­tion to ensure a per­fect fit on your big day.

Will Your Ring Suit Your Lifestyle?

Final­ly, think about your occu­pa­tion and lifestyle. If you lead an active life that’s tough on jew­ellery, lighter-weight ring pro­files may not be the best choice, as they are less durable and prone to bend­ing over time.

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