26 July, 2023

6 Key Questions For Your Wedding Caterer

Whether you are opting for a buffet or a sit-down dinner, choosing the right wedding caterer is essential. Here, we have 6 key questions you’ll need to ask your wedding caterer.
Questions to ask your wedding caterer

When it comes to your wed­ding, great food is a key fac­tor of the day. Whether you envi­sion an ele­gant sit-down din­ner or a more relaxed buf­fet or hog roast, choos­ing the right cater­er to com­ple­ment your wed­ding’s ambi­ence is crucial.

Beyond the com­mon ques­tions of annu­al wed­ding engage­ments and pric­ing, pin­point­ing the right things to ask can be dif­fi­cult. To guide you, we’ve com­piled a vital list of 6 ques­tions to pose to your poten­tial cater­er before mak­ing your deci­sion, along with expla­na­tions for why they’re so important.

1 — Who Will Man­age the Event on the Day, and Can We Meet Them?

While the per­son you meet ini­tial­ly might be impres­sive, it’s pos­si­ble they will not be present on the day man­ag­ing the cater­ing. You’ll want to know the on-site man­ag­er and the total staff count for the day as well.

2 — How Will You Accom­mo­date Guests with Dietary Restrictions? 

It’s essen­tial to con­sid­er poten­tial dietary needs, like veg­e­tar­i­an, gluten-free, or nut aller­gies. Ensure your cater­er can han­dle these require­ments. Make sure to ask about dietary require­ments on your invi­ta­tions and then prompt­ly inform the cater­er of these needs. Be sure to inquire about child-friend­ly meal options, this can often come at a discount.

3 — What Are the Drink Ser­vice Choices? 

Drinks ser­vice options, such as bar ser­vice or table-side drinks, dif­fer depend­ing on the ven­dor and the venue. Some cater­ers might allow you to pro­vide alco­hol, yet charge cork­age fees, which is impor­tant to be aware of to avoid sur­pris­es. Clear up these details to align with your pref­er­ences and expectations.

4 — What Are Your Require­ments for Water, Elec­tric­i­ty, and Equipment?

Famil­iar­i­ty with your venue is key. Clar­i­fy if a site vis­it is nec­es­sary and if it incurs any extra charge. If you require fur­ni­ture, find out if the cater­er can pro­vide tables, chairs, linens, and cut­lery. If you are hap­py with this option, then be sure to ask about the addi­tion­al costs asso­ci­at­ed with this service.

5 — What Is Your Arrival Time, Set­up Dura­tion, and Break­down Schedule?

Tim­ing is piv­otal. The venue could require that the wed­ding sup­plies arrive by a cer­tain time. Con­firm the arrival and set­up times to coor­di­nate seam­less­ly with your venue’s require­ments and ensure your event runs as smooth­ly as possible.

6 — What Details Should You Have Before the Event, and When Do You Need the Final Guest Count?

Avoid any pos­si­ble hic­cups by sup­ply­ing essen­tial infor­ma­tion in advance. If there are any issues with your select­ed cater­er, for any rea­son, make sure the blame doesn’t rest on you by sup­ply­ing all info in advance. Set a sen­si­ble cut­off date for the final guest count to ensure every­thing goes seamlessly.

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