09 August, 2023

7 Creative Ideas For Your Festival-Themed Wedding

Enhance your festival-themed wedding with our expert tips. Discover innovative ideas to elevate your outdoor celebration to a whole new level.
Festival-Themed Wedding

Among the mul­ti­tude of out­door wed­ding themes, none cap­ti­vates the spir­it quite like a fes­ti­val cel­e­bra­tion! With tents, teepees, glow sticks, and sparklers, fes­ti­val wed­dings promise an excit­ing expe­ri­ence for all.

If you’re seek­ing inspi­ra­tion to ele­vate your wed­ding fes­tiv­i­ty, explore our top fes­ti­val essen­tials that will take your fes­ti­val-themed wed­ding to new heights!

1 — Weird & Won­der­ful Wellies 

A fes­ti­val bride’s must-have (and for the bridal par­ty) is a pair of cosy wellies. While clas­sic Hunter boots remain a sol­id choice, con­sid­er uncon­ven­tion­al options. Seek out wellies in hues and pat­terns that align with your wed­ding colours to out­fit your brides­maids and grooms­men. For a touch of pre­pared­ness, con­sid­er pro­vid­ing inex­pen­sive wellies for guests in case of rainy weather.

2 — Exclu­sive VIP Passes 

Ditch con­ven­tion­al invi­ta­tions and grant your guests VIP access to your spe­cial day through fes­ti­val-style tick­ets, lan­yards, or wrist­bands. Infuse key details like the venue and day-of time­line with Glas­ton­bury tick­et aes­thet­ics, ensur­ing a head­lin­er-wor­thy excite­ment. Remem­ber to posi­tion your vows as the main act!

3 — Embrace Tents and Teepees 

No authen­tic fes­ti­val wed­ding is com­plete with­out a dis­tinc­tive tent struc­ture. Mar­quees, Spiegel­tents, Yurts, and Teepees all exude fun and per­fect­ly suit an out­door wed­ding, par­tic­u­lar­ly amidst unpre­dictable British weather

4 — Cre­ate Chill Seating

Fes­ti­val-style seat­ing is a must, pro­vid­ing your guests with com­fort­able spots to unwind between the fes­tiv­i­ties. Scat­ter an array of deck chairs and pic­nic blan­kets around your venue, or con­sid­er cush­ions atop hay bales for a cosy touch.

5 — Get Colourful

Dec­o­rat­ing in line with a fes­ti­val theme allows your cre­ative spir­it to roam free. Bunting, stream­ers, fes­toon light­ing, abun­dant flo­ral arrange­ments, and rus­tic accents con­tribute to the live­ly fes­ti­val atmosphere.

6 — Light Up the Night 

True to fes­ti­val spir­it, your guests will like­ly dance into the night. Ele­vate your fes­ti­val wed­ding with the inclu­sion of glow sticks or sparklers. These addi­tions not only enhance the cel­e­bra­to­ry vibe but also yield cap­ti­vat­ing pho­to opportunities.

7 — Lav­ish Lavatories 

Round­ing off the fes­ti­val expe­ri­ence, don’t over­look the portable restrooms! Trans­form this neces­si­ty into a lux­u­ri­ous escape from tra­di­tion­al fes­ti­val facil­i­ties. Ele­vate the ambi­ence with thought­ful details like full-length mir­rors and well-appoint­ed wash­room bas­kets, ensur­ing your guests feel like VIPs on your momen­tous day.

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