11 July, 2023

Top Tips For Keeping Children Entertained At Your Wedding

Planning to have children at your wedding? Make the day stress-free for parents with these 7 enjoyable and practical strategies to keep the little ones entertained throughout your wedding festivities.
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Incor­po­rat­ing chil­dren into your wed­ding brings an extra lay­er of delight, espe­cial­ly when they play roles like flower girls or ring bear­ers. Yet, par­ents often fret over how to keep their kids amused dur­ing the course of a lengthy wed­ding celebration.

To ease your guests’ con­cerns, here are 7 sim­ple yet effec­tive meth­ods to ensure the young atten­dees remain hap­py and engaged on your spe­cial day!

1 — Games Galore, Indoors and Outdoors

If your venue boasts out­door space, arrange a med­ley of delight­ful lawn games to cap­ti­vate the chil­dren. If you’re stay­ing indoors, or rain is a con­cern, cre­ate a nook for indoor board games. You’ll like­ly see even the grown-ups enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly join­ing in the fun.

2 — Unleash Creativity 

Chil­dren rel­ish hands-on activ­i­ties, mak­ing a des­ig­nat­ed area equipped with crayons and oth­er craft­ing mate­ri­als a sure­fire hit. Intro­duce wed­ding-themed crafts, like adorn­ing a cake, design­ing wed­ding attire, or mak­ing cards for the newlyweds.

3 — Craft a Kids’ Table 

When a clus­ter of chil­dren of sim­i­lar ages is attend­ing, con­sid­er group­ing them at a des­ig­nat­ed table for din­ner. Ele­vate the excite­ment by cus­tomis­ing their menu and includ­ing engag­ing games (see the next point).

4 — Amus­ing Table Pastimes

Cre­ate a wed­ding-themed activ­i­ty book­let brim­ming with sim­ple table games to occu­py chil­dren dur­ing din­ner. These could include games like eye spy, word search­es, dot-to-dot, and colour­ing pages, all with a wed­ding twist.

5 — Per­son­alised Sur­prise Bags

Com­ple­ment the table games with per­son­alised goody bags for each young guest. Posi­tion these bags in their place set­tings to keep their spir­its high. The pos­si­bil­i­ties for treats are end­less – mini puz­zles, trin­kets, bub­bles, glow sticks, and more.

6 — A Cin­e­ma Retreat

If your venue facil­i­tates it, set up a qui­et zone for movie view­ing to keep the kids hap­py. Arrange plush cush­ions and pil­lows, and show­case a pop­u­lar film. Don’t for­get to include mini pop­corn bags for a touch of cin­e­mat­ic authenticity!

7 — Kids’ Pho­to booth Extravaganza

Equip your pho­to booth with a heap of dress-up attire and play­ful props. Con­sid­er ded­i­cat­ing a sep­a­rate pho­to booth exclu­sive­ly for kids. Out­fits like quirky hats, tutus, feath­er boas, and the always pop­u­lar mous­tache-on-a-stick can bring lots of fun. You can eas­i­ly find print­able mask tem­plates online at no cost.

By inte­grat­ing these imag­i­na­tive and prac­ti­cal strate­gies, you’ll guar­an­tee that chil­dren par­tic­i­pate in the fes­tiv­i­ty and con­tribute to the joy­ous atmos­phere of your wed­ding day.

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