04 August, 2024

Beyond The Bridal March

How to choose the best songs for your wedding to create the ultimate wedding day soundtrack.
Slaugham Place First Dance Gecko Live Entertainment

Beyond the bridal march – how to choose your wed­ding music

Noth­ing is more con­tro­ver­sial than putting togeth­er a playlist for a party…there will always be some­one call­ing for a song no one else wants (dare I say Nick­el­back) and there will always be some­one who says I can’t dance to this’. And that’s just for a Sat­ur­day night shindig. Now…imagine choos­ing your wed­ding music and the pres­sure to per­form ris­es exponentially!

How do you choose the best wed­ding music? Can you please every­one? Includ­ing yourself?

Find the balance

There are two schools of thought. The first: it’s your wed­ding so you should have wed­ding songs that make you hap­py. The sec­ond: you want your guests to have a good time and make your wed­ding mem­o­rable for the right reasons. 

Here’s the thing: the two don’t need to be mutu­al­ly exclu­sive! All you need to do is find the bal­ance between the two. For exam­ple, your first dance. That is untouch­able! Regard­less of what it is – Meat­loaf / Chris De Burgh / Ken­ny G – that is all you. 

But when it comes to your playlist for the recep­tion, here’s where you can com­prise and make sure you reach a broad­er ranges of tastes while still choos­ing wed­ding music that means some­thing to you.

The wed­ding songs playlist

The one ques­tion we get asked is where to start when choos­ing your wed­ding music. The best place to start is by choos­ing songs that have a per­son­al mean­ing to you – kind of like the sound­track to your romance. Think about the song that was play­ing in the car on your first date with your fiancé, or the song that was play­ing in the pub when you met. 

Music, espe­cial­ly wed­ding music, evokes strong emo­tions and mem­o­ries and this will res­onate well with your friends and fam­i­ly, espe­cial­ly if they know the mean­ing behind them. Talk to your wed­ding band or DJ before­hand and make sure they can include these tunes in your wed­ding songs. 

The next step is includ­ing songs that maybe don’t have that much of a strong emo­tion­al con­nec­tion, but still pull on mem­o­ries – like pop­u­lar songs on the radio from the time you met your fiancé, new­er songs that you know your cir­cle of friends like, or tak­ing direc­tion from your wed­ding band or DJ on what brings peo­ple to the dancefloor!

The most pop­u­lar wed­ding songs

You’re not alone in try­ing to choose the per­fect wed­ding music playlist! Which is why there is so much space online ded­i­cat­ed to what cou­ples lis­ten to on their big day. 

So to give you an idea of where to start with get­ting the best wed­ding music, here are some of the most pop­u­lar wed­ding songs accord­ing to Spo­ti­fy:

  • All of Me – John Legend

  • Mar­ry You – Bruno Mars

  • Think­ing out Loud – Ed Sheeran

  • A Thou­sand Years – Christi­na Perri

  • Ho Hey – The Lumineers

  • Mar­ry Me – Train

  • Lucky – Jason Mraz, Col­bie Caillat

  • You are the Best Thing – Ray LaMontagne

  • I’m Yours — Jason Mraz

  • Home – Edward Sharpe & The Mag­net­ic Zeros

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