16 August, 2023

Top 8 Wedding Invitation Trends in 2023

Discover the latest wedding invitation trends for 2023, including sustainable choices, vellum paper elegance, foil printing, monograms, and more. Find inspiration for your perfect invite!
Wedding Invitation Trends

Wed­ding invi­ta­tions offer a mul­ti­tude of choic­es, from paper and colours to tex­tures, fonts, embell­ish­ments, attach­ments, and pack­ages. If you’re seek­ing inspi­ra­tion for your wed­ding invites, explore our top 10 trends for 2023.

1 — Embrac­ing Sustainability

Incor­po­rat­ing sus­tain­abil­i­ty into wed­ding sta­tionery is a trend that has con­tin­ued to grow. Con­sid­er opt­ing for recy­cled and plantable seed paper to pro­mote eco-friend­ly weddings.

2 — Vel­lum Paper for Invi­ta­tions and Envelopes 

Vel­lum paper brings a mod­ern yet gen­tle touch to sta­tionery suites, com­ple­ment­ing var­i­ous embell­ish­ments like metal­lic ink, ele­gant wax seals, and bohemi­an foliage.

3 — Shim­mer­ing Foil Printing 

The allure of gold foil con­tin­ues to surge. Its lux­u­ri­ous appeal enhances any invi­ta­tion design, bestow­ing a touch of opu­lence upon even the sim­plest wed­ding themes.

4 — Ele­gant Monograms

Mono­grams offer a per­son­alised ele­ment while main­tain­ing a refined and sophis­ti­cat­ed invi­ta­tion style. Mono­grams can take var­i­ous forms, with some cou­ples opt­ing for sleek let­ter-based designs for their con­tem­po­rary weddings.

5 — Sub­tle Metal­lic Accents

Touch­es of metal­lic ele­ments are reemerg­ing as a wed­ding trend. Incor­po­rat­ing these sub­tle metal­lic hints lends an air of sophis­ti­ca­tion and opu­lence to your cho­sen wed­ding invi­ta­tion. The rose gold hue is cur­rent­ly trend­ing and could be a delight­ful addi­tion to your stationery.

6 — Embrac­ing Minimalism

Less is more with a focus on white space. Think gen­tle colour palettes, uncom­pli­cat­ed let­ter­ing, and unfussy details. Often, a sin­gle stand­out fea­ture like a touch of gold foil or sub­tle blind deboss­ing can bring your sta­tionery to life.

7 — Cre­ative and Dis­tinc­tive Shapes

In 2021, expect a depar­ture from tra­di­tion­al invi­ta­tion shapes. Explore cir­cu­lar, tri­an­gu­lar, and geo­met­ric designs for inserts, embrac­ing a play­ful approach to shapes.

8 — Envelopes that Impress

The pack­ag­ing mat­ters too! Envelopes with dis­tinc­tive pat­terns and made from trendy mate­ri­als like vel­lum paper and eco-friend­ly options are gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty. Cou­ples are also per­son­al­is­ing envelopes with rib­bons and wax seals to add a touch of individuality.

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