Bands for venues with sound limiters

All of the below bands are ones that have vast experience working with venues that have sound limiters and compression systems. If your venue has a sound system in place, these are the best bands for you.
Gravity Live Surrey Wedding Band Gecko Live Entertainment copy

What is a sound limiter?

A sound lim­iter is a device that is put in place a venue to mon­i­tor the over­all vol­ume of a band and help to make sure that the vol­ume lev­el meets the require­ments of the venue’s live music license. A venue may have a lim­iter or restric­tion in place if they are close to neigh­bours or in a urban area or your venue may be sit­u­at­ed in a nature park, reserve or have ani­mals close by.

There are 2 types of noise limiter:

1 — Traf­fic Light System

This sys­tem uses a box on the wall of your venue that your per­form­ers can see that changes colour as the vol­ume lev­el increas­es. It will start off green, then to yel­low, and then to red. These sys­tems are con­nect­ed to the pow­er sock­ets that your band/​performers will use, and if the sys­tem stays in the red for a set amount of time it will cut the pow­er to the sock­ets, and turn the band’s sound sys­tem and ampli­fiers off. Typ­i­cal­ly these are cal­i­brat­ed at about 97 deci­bels and most of our 5‑piece or small­er bands are able to work with this type of system.

2 — Com­pres­sor Systems

A sys­tem like this works by con­nect­ing all of the band’s equip­ment to it via the band’s mix­ing desk and pass­ing it through the com­pres­sor and out to the speak­er sys­tem that is built into the venue. It works by mon­i­tor­ing the total input of the band, and will com­press or lim­it any input that is above a cer­tain thresh­old. In short, it won’t let a band play at any more vol­ume than the sys­tem is set at. The bonus of this sys­tem is that it won’t cut the pow­er to the band so the music is nev­er inter­rupt­ed. The down­side is that these sys­tems are set to 92 deci­bels and are lim­it­ed by the way in which they have been cal­i­brat­ed. The band/​performers have no con­trol over the vol­ume with these sys­tems as they don’t need to.

These sys­tems will also require all the per­form­ers to use an elec­tron­ic drum kit, In Ear Mon­i­tors (IEMs), and use Direct Input (DI) for gui­tar, bass and keyboards. 

Not all bands pro­vide these as stan­dard, so there may be addi­tion­al costs. For­tu­nate­ly, all of the above bands have worked with these types of sys­tems before and can eas­i­ly accom­mo­date all of the nec­es­sary requirements.

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Gravity Acoustic and Electric Party Band for Hire Gecko Live Entertainment