About Mor­den Hall

Based in the South of Lon­don, Mor­den Hall sits in 125 acres of beau­ti­ful Nation­al Trust park­land with stun­ning gar­dens, wildlife, and the flow of the Riv­er Wan­dle run­ning through the grounds. Mor­den Hall opened in 2015 for wed­dings and events after an exten­sive restora­tion and refur­bish­ment.

The house has had a rich and var­ied past hav­ing been used as a school, mil­i­tary hos­pi­tal, con­va­les­cence home, and a pri­vate house and res­i­dence. With Mor­den Hall, you have the con­ve­nience of a city loca­tion with amaz­ing con­nec­tions com­bined with the charm of a coun­try­side set­ting and estate.

Live Party Band and Dance Floor at Morden Hall Gecko Live Entertainment
Morden Hall at Night Wedding and Party Venue in London Gecko Live Entertainment

Mor­den Hall — Rooms For Every Event

The Wil­low Suite
This the room where you and your guests will be greet­ed. Enter­ing from the front court­yard with doors lead­ing to the bar, Mul­ber­ry room and out­side area, The Wil­low Suite at Mor­den Hall can host your wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny and evening recep­tion bril­liant­ly. We find this is the best room for your DJ or Live Par­ty Band as they can be set­ting up ready for you whilst you are in the Mul­ber­ry Suite eat­ing.

The Mul­ber­ry Suite
This is the main events space and din­ing room. The Mul­ber­ry Suite works bril­liant­ly for round tables and long tables for ban­quet­ing, and set­ting your live band up at the end of the room works so well for the evening par­ty.

Per­fect for a cer­e­mo­ny where you want amaz­ing views of the gar­dens. Hawthorne is ide­al for up to 75 guests for your wed­ding ceremony

Music and Enter­tain­ment at Mor­den Hall

Mor­den Hall works bril­liant­ly for all kinds of music and enter­tain­ment. From music for your cer­e­mo­ny whether it be a String Quar­tet, Solo Gui­tarist, or Roam­ing Band through to back­ground music for your wed­ding break­fast and Live Wed­ding Band for your evening recep­tion it all works brilliantly.

How to get the best from your music at Mor­den Hall

Our num­ber one tip for pick­ing acts and artists for your wed­ding at Mor­den Hall is to write a list of your most impor­tant part of the day and if there is any music that you want to punc­tu­ate the day with. For exam­ple, you may not be hav­ing a first dance, and instead have a big entrance song to your wed­ding break­fast.

Mor­den Hall works so well for all styles of music and enter­tain­ment. Our team know all the rooms and hve worked there many times before.