St Giles House

One of the finest and most beautiful wedding venues in Dorset. St Giles House is a grand venue that has an abundance of character and charm, with a couple of secrets hidden within.
St Giles House Website
Strolling Tones Roaming Band at St Giles House

One of the finest Dorset wed­ding venues

We are real­ly proud to con­firm that our exclu­sive acoustic roam­ing band The Strolling Tones has become one of the rec­om­mend­ed and pre­ferred enter­tain­ment sup­pli­ers for St Giles House. Hav­ing worked there a num­ber of times over the last cou­ple of years, The Strolling Tones have been so well received they have been made one of the go-to bands for this gor­geous wed­ding venue.

St Giles House is tru­ly his­toric. Hav­ing been a fam­i­ly home for gen­er­a­tions the house sad­ly fell into dis­re­pair, but is now being brought back to life. Hav­ing embarked on a full restora­tion of the house and grounds, St Giles is brought right up to date and is now one of the best wed­ding and event venues in Dorset.

Strolling Tones at St Giles House
The Strolling Tones St Giles House Gecko Live Entertainment
Strolling Tones Band Hampshire Wandering Band Gecko Live Entertainment
Roaming Band - The Strolling Tones

Music at St Giles House

Music and enter­tain­ment at St Giles House go hand in hand. From the moment you step foot on the lawns and grounds you need to be greet­ed with the ulti­mate wed­ding sound­track that starts gen­tly and roman­ti­cal­ly and gets more and more rau­cous as the day goes on. This is where The Strolling Tones come in. The band is best used to bridge the gap between speech­es and the desert and your jour­ney to the cel­lar club that lies beneath. The band can per­form in the Library as you fin­ish off some­thing sweet and deli­cious, escort you to the room for the cock­tail hour, and then pied piper your guests down the stairs to your wait­ing DJ, or across the hall­way to hand over to your evening par­ty band.

On hot sum­mer days, The Strolling Tones can per­form out­side in the for­mal gar­dens, mak­ing the most of the last rays of sun, and dur­ing the win­ter the band typ­i­cal­ly plays in the 2 recep­tion rooms lead­ing to the main entrance. This is where there are cock­tails and where the par­ty begins!

The Strolling Tones performing over Desert at St Giles House
Strolling Tones Band London Roaming Band
See The Strolling Tones
See The Strolling Tones and see why they are perfect for your wedding at St Giles House. Completely free-roaming and able to mix and mingle with your guests, move between tables in the Library during dinner and create your ultimate wedding soundtrack.

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