Coral Strings

String Quartet - London Entertainment
why hire Coral Strings
  • Highly skilled professionals
  • Renowned performances
  • Versatile and flexible
Coral Strings: skilled professionals, diverse performances, renowned for impressive shows, versatile, and available for global events. From £1295
The Four Seasons - Vivaldi
Ave Maria - Schubert
Canon - Pachelbel
Menuett - Boccherini
Water Music - Handel
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Mozart
Brandenburg Concerto - Bach
Clair de Lune - Debussy
Salut d’Amour - Elgar
Meditation - Massanet
And many more...

Trisch Trasch Polka - Strauss
Hungarian Dance - Brahms
La Cumparsita - Rodriguez
Hava Nagila - Trad.
Can Can - Offenbach
Blue Danube - Strauss
America - Bernstein
Palladio - Jenkins
Libertango - Piazzola
Dark Eyes - Russian Trad.
And many more...

Makin' Whoopee - Donaldson
Take Five - Desmond
Harry Lime Theme - Kavas
Jeeves and Wooster - Dudley
The Entertainer - Joplin
Country Club - Joplin
Jealousy - Gade
My Funny Valentine - Rodgers
Blue Moon - Rodgers
New York, New York - Kander and Ebb
And many more...

Moon River - Mancini
La Vie En Rose - Louiguy
O Sole Mio - Di Capua
Signin' in the Rain - Back
What a Wonderful World - Thiele
It had to be You - Jones
When I fall in Love - Young
As Time Goes By - Hupfeld
Autumn Leaves - Kosma
Misty - Garner
And many more...

Film and TV
Speak Softly Love - Rota
Game of Thrones - Djawadi
James Bond Theme - Norman
Everything I do, I do it for You - Bryan Adams
Star Wars Theme - Williams
When You Wish Upon A Star - Harline
Por Una Cabeza - Gardel
My Heart Will Go On - Horner
Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Elton John
I’ll be There For You - Skloff
​And many more...

Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
One Day like This - Elbow
Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson
Poker Face - Lady Gaga
All You Need Is Love - The Beatles
Hello - Lionel Richie
Make You Feel My Love - Adele
Songbird - Eva Cassidy
A Thousand Years - Christina Perry
Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars
And many more...

Look­ing to ele­vate your spe­cial occa­sion with excep­tion­al live music? Coral Strings, a cel­e­brat­ed string ensem­ble for hire, offers breath­tak­ing per­for­mances tai­lored for any event. Based in Lon­don, this dynam­ic group of pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians has cap­ti­vat­ed audi­ences world­wide, from the bustling street fes­ti­vals of Covent Gar­den to regal cel­e­bra­tions at Buck­ing­ham Palace.

Spe­cial­iz­ing in a vari­ety of per­for­mances, Coral Strings is the per­fect choice for wed­ding string quar­tet arrange­ments, cor­po­rate events, pri­vate par­ties, and even record­ing ses­sions. Whether you’re plan­ning an inti­mate gath­er­ing or a grand cel­e­bra­tion, their diverse reper­toire spans clas­si­cal mas­ter­pieces, con­tem­po­rary hits, and every­thing in between. The ensemble’s adapt­abil­i­ty ensures that every per­for­mance is as unique as the event itself.

While their sig­na­ture for­ma­tion is a wed­ding string quar­tet, Coral Strings also col­lab­o­rates with oth­er instru­men­tal­ists and vocal­ists to cre­ate cus­tom ensem­bles. Need some­thing extra spe­cial? Pair their exquis­ite strings with a harp play­er for hire for par­ties, adding a touch of ethe­re­al ele­gance to your event. Whether it’s a roman­tic cer­e­mo­ny, a sophis­ti­cat­ed cock­tail hour, or an unfor­get­table reception, 

Coral Strings will set the per­fect mood.Not just lim­it­ed to wed­dings, these string musi­cians for hire have graced cor­po­rate func­tions, record­ing stu­dios, and even edu­ca­tion­al work­shops with their tal­ent. Their exten­sive train­ing and expe­ri­ence as soloists, sym­pho­ny musi­cians, and edu­ca­tors make them a ver­sa­tile choice for any occasion.

  • Versatile Line-up Options
  • Male and Female Performers
  • Noise Limiter Friendly
Top Songs
  • Game of Thrones Djawadi
  • The Four Seasons Vivaldi
  • Trisch Trasch Polka Strauss

Coral Strings

Coral Strings London Violin Quartet Gecko Live Entertainment
Coral Strings: skilled professionals, diverse performances, renowned for impressive shows, versatile, and available for global events.


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