Sax Player Ash

Sax Player Ash Solo Saxophonist Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Sax Player Ash
  • Solo Sax Player
  • Performances with DJ
  • Band Add On
  • International experience
Ash is an accomplished wedding and corporate event sax player. Able to to tailor the music to suit you and your style. From £795
Sax Player Ash Solo Saxophonist with DJ Gecko Live Entertainment
Sax with Band
Sax Player Ash Solo Saxophonist for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
Live with DJ

With count­less per­for­mances at some of the biggest events inter­na­tion­al­ly, Ash’s rep­u­ta­tion as one of London’s top sax­o­phone play­er for wed­ding is unmiss­able. His skill and charis­ma have made him a sought-after artist, with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to per­form at incred­i­ble venues world­wide for A‑list celebri­ties. Ash has built a remark­able lega­cy, includ­ing being the res­i­dent sax play­er for wed­ding of none oth­er than foot­ball leg­end Steven Ger­rard. For the last five years, Ash has per­formed at Steven’s pri­vate func­tions both at his home in Liv­er­pool and his stun­ning prop­er­ty in Portugal.

A true musi­cal prodi­gy, Ash stud­ied both jazz and clas­si­cal music at the world-renowned Chethams School of Music, a place known for nur­tur­ing the best tal­ents. His edu­ca­tion did­n’t stop there — Ash was lat­er accept­ed into the pres­ti­gious Liv­er­pool Insti­tute for Per­form­ing Arts, found­ed by Paul McCart­ney, where he honed his craft even further.

Whether you’re plan­ning an ele­gant wed­ding, a cor­po­rate gath­er­ing, or a pri­vate event, Ash’s ver­sa­til­i­ty as a sax­o­phon­ist for hire makes him the per­fect choice for any occa­sion. His per­for­mances add a unique touch of class and sophis­ti­ca­tion, mak­ing him a high­ly regard­ed sax play­er for hire for wed­dings and events worldwide.

If you’re search­ing for the per­fect musi­cal accom­pa­ni­ment for your spe­cial day, Ash’s exten­sive expe­ri­ence and tal­ent ensure that your wed­ding will be an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence. With a sax­o­phone in hand and a pas­sion for cre­at­ing mag­i­cal moments, Ash brings the charm and ele­gance your event deserves. Don’t miss the chance to have one of the best sax­o­phone play­er for wed­ding per­form live at your celebration!

  • Available with DJ
  • Sound system for background sets
  • Can join with any live band
Main Styles
  • Ibiza Chill
  • House and Soul
  • Jazz and Background
  • Corporate Events
  • Weddings
  • Private Parties
  • Award Ceremonies

Sax Player Ash

Sax Player Ash Solo Saxophonist for hire Gecko Live Entertainment
Ash is an accomplished wedding and corporate event sax player. Able to to tailor the music to suit you and your style.


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